Coffee Date

Coffee Date – April

If we were on a coffee date I would tell you how my kids were using Cheetos as “dinosaurs” during snack time. Complete with “rawrs” and dinosaur attacks. I would tell you that I let them, even though they aren’t supposed to play with their food, because sometimes it’s easier that way and sometimes mama is a softy.

If we were on a coffee date I would tell you that I’m dreading Peyton’s baseball practice tonight because it’s too cold to do anything outside. Then I would complain about the weather, like the rest of us Michiganders, because it’s April and this is RIDICULOUS. Seriously, snow this morning and the real feel was 18 degrees when the kids and I went outside to play. OVER. IT.

If we were on a coffee date I would tell you how Josie has been falling asleep while playing her guitar for the past two days at nap time and bedtime. I have a musician on my hands and I’m so excited about it. I’d tell you that I’m going to have to buy her a new guitar because hers is missing a string and she couldn’t learn on a guitar that’s missing a string! I would also tell you how much she loves to sing. Do we have a Taylor Swift in the making? hmmmm…


If we were on a coffee date I would tell you how Liam is struggling with cutting SIX teeth. That’s right, SIX at one time. He’s been cranky and miserable and hasn’t been eating much. He had a fever yesterday and slept most of the day. He’s been wanting cuddles and something to chew on and when he does decide to play, he wants mama really close by because he comes to have his back rubbed every few minutes.

Telling you about Liam’s teeth would then start a conversation about how sad I am that my babies are all grown up. I love watching them learn and grow, but I’m sad because they’re getting so big.

Then I would tell you that I enrolled Sylas in preschool last week. PRESCHOOL. Can you believe it?! I sure can’t. My first born baby is going to be starting PRESCHOOL in the fall. What will I do without him?!

If we were on a coffee date I would spend the whole time talking about my kids because that’s all I talk about. LOL

If we were on a coffee date what would you tell me?

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