Craft, Toddler and Preschool Age Fun

Create a Bug Craft

When springtime comes, so do the bugs!! We have been seeing bugs everywhere outside, and inside our house, we are seeing ants. UGH. I know, I know, ants are harmless. I still don’t want them in my house. Chris will DEFINITELY be spraying that bug killer/repellant stuff around the house this weekend because JoJo and I are sooooo over the ants.

Anyhow, I thought it would be fun to create our own little bugs to celebrate this warm weather we are having. After seeing the bugs that my kids created, I am SO THANKFUL we only have ants in our house. If I saw one of their bugs crawling across the floor, I’d burn the house down. On paper, they are VERY cute, though… just don’t bring these little guys to real life please. 😉

Peyton and I cut all the pieces ahead of time. We wanted a variety of shapes and sizes to work with, so we just free handed everything. Sylas and Josie worked on cutting, too, but they used crafting scissors to cut strips with designed edges for a different project.

Once the cutting was finished, everyone chose a blank piece of colored paper. We used glue sticks and began making our own bugs. It was so much fun. Sylas loved it and exclaimed how awesome the project was a couple times while making them. They aren’t as “pretty” as some of our others, but we definitely enjoyed this one. I loved that we each got to do something different and all of the kids were excited to check each others’ craft out.

Sylas’ bug
Mommy & Liam’s bug. Liam mostly just played with the glue stick and tried crumpling the paper, but he loved joining in on our big kid crafts.
Peyton’s bug
Josie’s bug. Can you tell she loves yellow?


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