I hope you all had a good weekend! We did, even though it rained a lot and was cloudy the entire time. Except for Friday (I count that as the weekend because my weekend starts early hehe), it was pretty sunny then. It was still a good time, though.
On Friday I woke the babies up early and got them around to take Peyton to school. He usually rides the bus but he didn’t want to take his Paper Mache Diamondback Rattlesnake on the bus. Liam took an early nap when we got home and the older toddlers and I played restaurant.
When Liam woke up we went to playgroup at the park. We had a blast and the kids amazed me, as always. Josie is growing and learning so much and seeing her play on the playground equipment was kind of bittersweet because she was climbing up things she normally wouldn’t have without help from mama. I’m sad she doesn’t want my help but SO EXCITED for her because she’s learning new things every day. Sylas even had a tiny little milestone… he usually won’t go down the tunnel slides. He’ll only go down ones that are open and he can see out of. Well, Friday he went down ALL THE SLIDES. Even the tunnel slides. WHOOO. Liam still needs my help, of course, but he likes the slides, too. Mommy just has to hold him and that’s completely fine. LOL.
After that the day was kind of a blur… headache and anxiety all day so when Chris came home from work I laid down and he played with them and fed them dinner. I got up to read them their bedtime store and for some cuddles before bed. Momma guilt was kicking in from laying in bed all evening.
Peyton went to spend the night at his grandma’s house (ended up spending the whole weekend LOL) so after the toddlers were in bed we had a quiet house so we caught up on our shows and went to bed early (living the life, I swear).
Saturday we all slept in until 8ish, had breakfast and went to some garage sales. I’m obsessed with garage sales. You can find the coolest stuff. My hubby complains about them but then he gets just as into it as I do.

The toddlers also like garage sales because … toys. I don’t go crazy because they don’t need more toys and we definitely don’t have the room for more toys but they did get a couple hot wheels cars, Josie got a couple necklaces, and Sylas got a hand clapper thing. Totally random stuff but it’s all stuff they’ll actually play with and didn’t cost me much at all. The hand clapper thing is annoying, however, and I’m sure it’ll somehow end up in the trash soon.
After dinner on Saturday Chris and I had some friends over to watch the NBA playoff game. Basketball is life in our house. Duke wasn’t playing though so I wasn’t really interested. I drank wine and pretended to know what was happening.
Sunday was Sunday… I always struggle with Sundays and I’m really not sure why. I always assume it’s just because the next day is Monday but I seriously don’t know. We had a lazy morning and then Peyton and Nevaeh came.
Peyton hung out for a while before going over to his friend’s house because his friend’s pool was getting opened! How can I deny him the first swim of the summer?
My blog went live FINALLY!! I’m so excited about it! I spent the rest of the day working on stuff for the blog, and then it was time to go to Pizza Night at Chris’ parents’ house.
I had yummy wine, the kids played outside. Oh, and Sylas fell down the stairs. Seriously, he just tumbled down the stairs on the deck. It’s only like, 4 steps I think, but he literally barrel rolled down them. I even saw his head make contact once. I was rushing out of the house and Chris (who was already outside) was running over. I’m waiting for screams and before either of us could get to him he sat up and said, “That was awesome!!”. Alrighty then, I’m gonna assume you’re fine. LOL! It was hilarious. Wouldn’t have been funny if he’d actually gotten hurt, though. Obviously. LOL
Oh, and my mother-in-law got me this super cute shirt!
Ssoooo that was our weekend.
Tell me about your weekend!! Did you do anything fun!?