Do you remember being 14 years old? What was your life like at that time?
I was 14 in 2005. When I think back, I think of hanging out with my friends, going to concerts, having boyfriends!!!, watching Laguna Beach, and essentially becoming my own person outside of my family unit. I feel like once I reached high school, I became so much more independent. I had friends who had cars so I didn’t need my parents to drive me everywhere anymore. It felt like freedom.
I spent quite a bit of time in my bedroom, wishing my parents would leave me alone and reading magazines or talking on the phone. You know, normal teenage stuff.
We were wearing layered polos and popped collars and some people were even wearing awful trucker hats (I may or may not be guilty of that myself..).
Gone were the days when I spent most of my time with my parents and siblings. Gone were the days of playing with toys and watching cartoons. I was 14, and that was a huge deal.
Well, Nevaeh turned 14 today. OMG. We are IN TROUBLE.
Just kidding… kind of. I know we are entering a whole new chapter with her, but I also know she’s learned how to make better choices and respect herself, and all we can do is hope that we have taught her right.
When Chris and I started dating, Nevaeh was only 8 years old. She was a kid, a 3rd grader.
Now she’s 14. She’s going into high school, will be learning to drive a car, beginning an entirely new chapter in her life.
I constantly think she’s just a little kid. Reminiscing on my own memories of being 14 has made me realize that she’s not. We’ve got a high schooler on our hands now!!
It’s such a HUGE milestone. Life happens fast, guys.
This silly little girl…
has become this beautiful young woman.

One thing I’d love to give Nevaeh for her birthday is some advice, but I know she won’t listen. My only hope is that she reads it here and maybe takes some of it to heart. 😉
Advice For a Teenage Girl
- Surround yourself with positive people – When you’re choosing your friends, think about how they treat you and how they speak. Are they always being negative? Do they say things that hurt your feelings or make your start thinking negatively? Maybe it’s time to rethink the friendship. Be friends with people who build you up and always want to see the best happen. Surround yourself with people who truly love you and will never intentionally hurt you.
- Boys should come last – I know teenage girls are going to be talking to and dating boys, but don’t make them the priority. Spend time with your friends, make memories that will last forever, build lifelong relationships with your best friends so that you will still have them in your life 20 years from now. Don’t ditch your friends for a boy, don’t pass on experiences and opportunities for a boy, and don’t lose yourself for a boy. You’ll have plenty of time for boys when you are older, don’t let them fill every thought and moment of your life.
- Put down your phone – Honestly, this piece of advice could work for any age group. Live in the moment, enjoy what is going on around you, and talk to people in person.
- Be nice – Say kind things to others, help others out even if you have to go out of your way, stick up for people. Talk to the person sitting all alone at lunch or in class. Being kind is something you’ll never regret. You never know how someone is feeling or what they are dealing with, never be the person to add to their pain or the person who ruins their day.
- Save adult stuff for when you are an adult – I know adult stuff seems exciting but it’s really not. You’ll have plenty of time for that later. You aren’t expected to make adult decisions or do adult things, leave that to the trusted adults in your life. They are in your life to guide you and help you, let them. Learn from them. Then, when it’s your turn, you’ll see why it’s best to hold off as long as possible.
- Step out of your comfort zone – Try something new or go somewhere you’ve never been before. Take a chance at something you might suck at because you just never know. You won’t regret making new memories of things you’ve never done before, so just do it. Don’t worry about what others will think of you or about messing up, everyone has to start somewhere!
- Do what makes you happy – If you love doing something, keep doing it!! Even if your friends aren’t interested, keep doing the things you love. Don’t lose your passions or miss out on things that make your heart happy. Stay true to yourself.
What is one piece of advice you would give to a teenage girl? Leave it in the comments below, I know a couple teenagers who will definitely be reading them! 🙂