Craft, Sensory Play, Toddler and Preschool Age Fun, Toddler and Preschool Age Learning

Easy Art Collage for Toddlers

If you are anything like me, you prefer your kids to create artwork from things you already have at home. This means coming up with creative, easy activities that use up materials you have no other purpose for.

This time, I had leftover streamers that I would never use. I always save the un-opened streamers just in case I need them for the next birthday party, but I usually throw away the rolls that have already been opened.

I decided not to waste them this time and used them for crafts instead.

I grabbed the streamers, some old newspapers, scissors, glue, and paper and let the toddlers go to town making a collage.


Liam is still too little to use glue and scissors so I just gave him some streamers to play with while we did the craft and he was able to get in some no-mess sensory play, too. It was a win-win.


This activity was actually really fun even though it was super simple! The toddlers explored the newspaper while we did it, and asked questions about some of the pictures. I always love a good learning experience.

What are some easy crafts you like to do with your littles? Tell me about them in the comments! 🙂

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