When your child begins going to school they will be more successful if they have an expansive vocabulary. Not only will it help them communicate and understand better, but it will also help them learn to read. This is why it is so important to build your child’s vocabulary.
The vocabulary that your child already knows and is familiar with will be what they build their reading skills on. Knowing more words allows children to understand words and stories better, but it also helps them determine what a new word means based on the context of the rest of the sentence.
This all goes back to having a decent vocabulary. You can help build your child’s vocabulary at home before they ever even begin preschool. It isn’t difficult to do, it simply takes consistency on your part.

Ways To Build Your Child’s Vocabulary At Home
1. Talk with your child.
Have normal conversations about all parts of your daily life together. Don’t refrain from using words that the child might not understand right away, and avoid using “baby talk” altogether as it could hinder the process. The child will use the context of the conversation to begin forming a meaning for the unknown words that you use.
In an article written by William O’Grady for the Cambridge Extra (an online linguistics magazine), O’Grady explained
“Children need to hear language being used to talk about things
O’Grady Article…. This is the type of speech that provides children with the raw material they need to learn a language…”.
By talking with your children about normal, everyday things, you are helping them learn to determine the meaning of a word, how to use it in a sentence, how to ask questions and all other aspects of language.
2. Read with your child every day.
One of the best ways to build your child’s vocabulary is to read with them every single day. Every time you read a book with your child, you are helping them learn new sounds and words. Over time, they will start to use the context to fully understand, but they must develop a decent vocabulary before this is possible.
While reading a book, it is also the perfect time to stop and explain new words to your child. If you notice a word that they may not have heard before, you can ask them if they know the word and, if they don’t, you can help them understand. You will be able to explain it in a child-friendly way while also explaining to them how that new word fits into the story (the context).
3. Avoid introducing too many words at once.
Children will never remember the words you are trying to teach them if you introduce a bunch all at once. Their little minds need a manageable amount of information. No more than 5 words should be introduced at once.
You can, however, add a previously taught word into the mix along with the 5 new words. This will just help solidify the word that was already taught and won’t overwhelm them.

4. With the help of your child, create a child-friendly definition for new words.
After you explain what a word means, try to come up with a more child-friendly version of that definition. Ask your child what they think the word means, and form the definition from what they say. You will want to clear up any misunderstandings, but try to keep the language the same.
5. Ensure repeated exposure to the word.
When a new word has been introduced to your child, it is up to you to enforce repetition of that word. Without repeated exposure, your child will likely forget the word completely.
6. Show the child an example.
You can show your child an example by showing them a picture. If a picture isn’t an option, show them something that describes the word. For instance, if you are teaching your child the word “furry”, you could show them (and let them feel) the fur of a dog or cat.

7. Show your child the word.
Write the word down and show it to them. Or, if it is printed in a book, show them which word it is. Seeing the word written can help them remember it later.
If your child can write, you could even have them write the word on their own. This also promotes letter recognition.
8. Have your child say the word.
Saying the word is probably one of the best ways for your child to commit the word to memory. By having the child use their auditory sense, they will be able to recall the word more easily next time.
9. Show your child how YOU figure out unfamiliar words.
Let’s face it, everyone struggles with a new word every once in a while, even adults. When you come across a word that you aren’t familiar with, try to figure it out by speaking out loud about it. Let your child see how you figure out a new word. They do learn from you, after all.

Final Thoughts On Ways To Build Your Child’s Vocabulary
Children will be more successful in school if they have a more expansive vocabulary. Not only will it make the process of learning to read a little easier for them, but it will also help them communicate better.
In order for your child to have a large vocabulary, you should spend time teaching your child new words. You can do this by reading and talking to them, promoting the regular use of new words, having them say the words, and by writing the words. Creating a child-friendly definition and example helps, as well, as does showing them how you figure out new words.
Which of these 9 tips you are planning on trying out to build your child’s vocabulary? Do you have any additional tips? Tell me about it in the comments!
Thanks that’s really useful, I talk to my child lots, but I’m not good at pointing at things so she probably hasn’t got a clue what I’m on about
I have to remind myself sometimes. It becomes more of a habit over time. Thanks for reading and commenting!
Really good tips. Will try it with my 7 year old sister
We did the same techniques with all 4 of our kids. Except teaching them 5 new words each time. We just taught them different words at the same time. Only 1 of my kids has at trouble with reading comprehension in school. For the most part his reading is fine but he has some trouble with comprehension of the reading material. We don’t know why because he had the same exposure to words as the other children. He hasn’t any difficult with testing though. I’m glad I came across your post. Thank you Raheela