Big Kid, Big kid fun, Family Activities, Holiday, How To, Infant/Toddler Learning, Sensory Play, Toddler and Preschool Age Fun, Toddler and Preschool Age Learning

DIY Easy Christmas Sensory Bottle

Christmas, Christmas sensory bottle, sensory activity, easy Christmas sensory activity, easy activity for Christmas, sensory play, discovery

Sensory bottle (also known as discovery bottles, calm down bottles, quiet time bottles, and many other names) are a must-have in our house. We make one for almost every holiday, and we pack them away with that holidays ornaments so that we’re sure to have them when the holiday rolls around the following year. Somehow, we have never made a Christmas sensory bottle, however.

I believe that we have at some point… but it must not have been worthy of saving or even taking pictures of. This year, though, our easy Christmas discovery bottle is perfect. So perfect, in fact, that I HAVE to share it with you!

Christmas, Christmas sensory bottle, sensory activity, easy Christmas sensory activity, easy activity for Christmas, sensory play, discovery

Materials Needed for a Christmas Sensory Bottle

  • An empty, clear bottle
  • Lukewarm water
  • 2 Containers of glitter glue, any color (I used silver and gold that I bought HERE)
  • Christmas glitter (I found mine in the dollar spot at Target or you can buy some HERE)
  • Hot glue and a hot glue gun, or just super glue

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Directions to Make a Cute Christmas Sensory Bottle

  1. Peel any paper from the bottle
  2. Fill the bottle just over 1/2 way up with lukewarm water
  3. Add the 2 bottles of glitter glue, put the lid on, and shake it up.
  4. Open the bottle and add the glitter. Add as much of it as you want!
  5. Fill the bottle the rest of the way up, leaving enough space for the water to still move.
  6. Put hot glue around the ridges where the lid goes in order to keep it closed so your kiddos don’t accidentally open it.
Christmas, Christmas sensory bottle, sensory activity, easy Christmas sensory activity, easy activity for Christmas, sensory play, discovery

Final Thoughts On Easy Christmas Sensory Bottle

Christmas activities don’t have to cost a ton of money, and if you’re doing Christmas on a budget or just want an easy Christmas activity for kids, a Christmas sensory bottle is the perfect way to go.

What are your favorite holiday activities to do with your kids? Tell me about them in the comments!

Christmas, Christmas sensory bottle, sensory activity, easy Christmas sensory activity, easy activity for Christmas, sensory play, discovery
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