Adulting, Parenting

8 of the Best Podcasts for Parents

podcasts for parents, parenting podcasts, best podcasts, top podcasts parenting advice, advice on parenting, talk about parenting, parenting experts

Podcasts are my new favorite thing. I can listen to them no matter what I’m doing, and I take full advantage of that. In the car, while I’m cleaning, and even as I sit here and type this blog post (Crime Junkie, anyone?). The best part is, there are literally hundreds of podcasts for parents.

These podcasts for parents can help with any type of parenting style you may have, and you can find something for any situation you may be going through. It may take some time to find the ones that fit your life perfectly, but I’ve put together a list that you can use to start your search.

My favorite parenting podcasts show the real side of parenting. The hosts don’t sugar coat anything and they discuss any and all topics. They truly make me feel like I’m not alone in this crazy world of parenting, and they make me feel like my kids may be …. normal. Crazy thought, right?

podcasts for parents, parenting podcasts, best podcasts, top podcasts parenting advice, advice on parenting, talk about parenting, parenting experts

Best Parenting Podcasts

1. The Mom Hour

This podcast is hosted by two moms named Meagan and Sarah. They discuss all topics pertaining to parenting, and they do so in a light-hearted way.

What makes this podcast great is that the moms are experienced. Between the two of them, they have kids in all age ranges, meaning they’ve been through it all already and are still going through it all with the rest of us.

They discuss many parenting topics, but they also have two “More Than Mom” episodes each month that are about non-parenting topics.

2. Coffee and Crumbs

Listening to this podcast is like sitting down with a couple of best friends to chat about life. The hosts are three friends named Indiana, Ashlee and April. This is a good podcast to listen to while you’re doing other things like cleaning, driving, walking or putting on makeup.

It’s hard to go into detail about this podcast because all I can come up with is that they just get it. They get how hard parenting can be and they fully understand that parents are not perfect, nor are we supposed to be.

Their personal parenting stories make me laugh, cringe, and shake my head because I’ve done the same things. Other times I’m like, “I’m so glad that didn’t happen to me!! OMG!”. But seriously, there hasn’t been an episode that I’ve listened to that I haven’t liked.

3. One Bad Mother

Hosts Biz and Theresa get real about parenting, so be prepared for a little swearing. They’re totally relaxed during the podcast and they invite guests to discuss parenting issues.

If you’ve ever felt alone, these ladies will make you feel like every other mother has been in the same situation. They truly make you feel like we’re all in the same boat, and there is absolutely no judgement.

4. What Fresh Hell

Two funny moms named Margaret and Amy host this hilarious parenting podcast. Their tagline is “Laughing in the Face of Motherhood”, which is all that you will do while you listen to their show.

The two moms are completely different from one another, which gives different perspectives on the parenting issues that they discuss. They also invite experts on the show to weigh in on crucial topics.

One of the best parts of this podcast is that they aren’t afraid to call each other out when they disagree. The experts they invite on the show don’t always agree with them, either, which just makes it so real. I don’t know about you, but I love listening to two moms who aren’t perfect and aren’t afraid to show it.

5. The Parent Experiment

These moms discuss everything pertaining to marriage, parenting, and living the life. One of my favorite episodes is one where one of the hosts buys a new washer and dryer and yells at the delivery men when they make a huge mistake. It seriously reminded me of myself.

6. The Longest Shortest Time Podcasts for Parents

This is the perfect podcast to help other parents feel like they aren’t alone. The host, Hillary, talks about parenting kids of all ages, from babies all the way to adults.

She brings on guests who tell their own parenting stories. They discuss topics like adoption, not wanting to have kids, and so many other serious topics.

There are also light-hearted and humous moments throughout the podcast, making it the perfect mix of all parenting feelings.

7. Little Sprigs Podcasts for Parents

This parenting podcast discusses how to parent without using bribes or punishments. The host also talks about how to raise confident kids, taking care of yourself, and intentional parenting. She also brings on parenting experts and authors.

8. Mom and Dad Are Fighting

This is a hilarious podcast by hosts Allison and Dan, who are both parents. Between their funny comments, to their honest discussion about parenting issues, this podcast is perfect for real parents who face parenting issues daily.

Fans can even call into the show to ask parenting questions, getting answers from some of their favorite parents. You can also look forward to guest hosts who weigh in on parenting and current events.

podcasts for parents, parenting podcasts, best podcasts, top podcasts parenting advice, advice on parenting, talk about parenting, parenting experts

Final Thoughts on Best Podcasts for Parents

There are so many podcasts for parents and they each are a little different in style, so you have plenty to choose from. Do you already have a favorite parenting podcast? If so, tell me about it in the comments! If you don’t have a favorite, which one on the list do you want to listen to first?

A slightly unrelated question… I’m also interested in podcasts that aren’t related to parenting at all, do you have any that you recommend?

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10 thoughts on “8 of the Best Podcasts for Parents

  1. I have never heard of these, but this weekend we are going on a long trip so I will definitely be checking them out. Thank you so much for sharing this.

  2. Thanks for sharing these! As with Ashley, we’re planning a longer drive soon and I can’t wait to give them a listen.

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