Adulting, For the Home, Home, How To, Life

5 Common Household Bugs To Be Aware Of

common household bugs

No matter how hard you try, there will be instances where you find an unwelcome critter in your house. This might alarm you, especially if you’re scared of bugs, have children, or have pets, but it’s important to remember that not all creepy crawlies are bad, and some are even to be expected. There are a handful of common household bugs you might find in your home, and knowing how to deal with the situation will help put you at ease.

Common Household Bugs

1. Dust Mites

Dust mites naturally live in every house, and generally, they don’t cause issues. When there’s a lot of them, though, they can cause a range of symptoms including:

  • Rash
  • Itchy eyes
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Runny nose
  • Sneezing

Dust mites typically can be found on fabric such as carpet, curtains, bedding, and other plush surfaces. You won’t be able to keep them out entirely, but you can certainly minimize their effects by washing bedding, curtains, and soft items frequently, as well as vacuuming weekly.

2. Woodworm Beetles

Dampness is a common issue that many homeowners face in some capacity, and generally, it doesn’t cause major damage. Certain types of damp can attract bugs like woodworm beetles, though. Woodworm beetles can be destructive, but they’re relatively easy to spot and treat.

There are a few types of woodworm beetles, the most common being the common furniture beetle which is brown and roughly half a centimeter long. They don’t usually cause any harm to humans or pets, but they can damage furniture and skirting boards. To avoid woodworm beetles, you need to avoid dampness in your home.

The beetles are attracted to damp wood, so you need to tackle the root cause of dampness first. If the affected area is only small, you can dry out the wood with the use of a heater, or you can inject a vinegar-water solution into the boreholes to drive the remaining larvae out.

3. Fruit Flies

We’ve all had instances where we’ve left fruit on the kitchen counter a little too long past its recommended eat-by date and it’s attracted flies. One or two fruit flies aren’t a problem, but they multiply really fast and things can get out of hand fairly quickly. No one wants to eat fruit that’s got fly larvae in it, so to avoid it, you should store fruit in the refrigerator and get rid of it as soon as it starts to turn bad.

4. Ants

You’re more likely to have an ant infestation in the warmer months, and most of the time they’re not a problem aside from the fact they’ll eat their way through all your snacks, but some types of ants can be potentially dangerous in the sense that they can sting and bite.

If you spot an ant, watch it carefully to see where it’s coming from and apply ant-killing solution. Keep in mind that some ant-solutions can be harmful to children and pets.

If you don’t want to use ant powder, you can try ant traps which are a safer option for those with children and pets. To avoid ants altogether, it’s a good idea to store any loose food like cookies and cereal in airtight containers.

5. Silverfish

silverfish, common household bugs

These pesky creatures are very small and hard to see, but they can cause a lot of damage to fabric, wallpaper, and books. They’ve been known to also eat glue, oats, and flour, so there’s not much these wingless insects won’t go for!

Since silverfish eat anything, it makes treating them hard, especially when you consider how hard they are to see. The best solution is usually sticky traps, but sealing up food, reducing the amount of clutter in your home (letters/newspapers, etc.) and sprinkling diatomaceous earth can also work.

common household bugs

Common Household Bugs To Be Aware Of

Hopefully, you don’t have the misfortune of encountering these creepy crawlies any time soon, but if you do, use the ideas suggested here. Have you had a problem with any of these household bugs before? If so, tell me about it in the comments!

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