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4 Super Easy Hacks for Lowering Your Energy Bills

Lowering Your Energy Bills

Utility bills can be a pretty big expense in the household. In fact, estimates reveal that the average household spends between $800 and $2,900 every year on utility bills. Luckily, there are a few easy hacks for lowering your energy bills, helping you save quite a bit of money.

Of course, this largely depends on the location (Hawaii seems to have the highest energy bills) and the kind of energy plans that are available to the consumers. If you’re looking to cut down on your energy bills, the first place you need to look at is your home. 

Making the necessary changes can easily translate to hundreds in savings annually. The tips we’ll share with you here have been proven to help people like you cut down on their utility bills without necessarily giving up the comforts that you’re used to.

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Easy Hacks for Lowering Your Energy Bills

Unplug Devices You’re Not Using

We’re all guilty of this. We leave devices plugged into the sockets even when they’re not in use. If you have the appliance connected to the socket and is on standby mode, it’s consuming some power. 

While the power won’t be as high as when you’re using it, it still counts towards your energy usage. Make sure that you unplug all devices and appliances that you aren’t using. Turn off lights and sockets in rooms that people are not occupying, as well.

Avoid Using Hot Water in Your Washer

Hot water tends to damage, shrink and shorten the lifespan of your clothes, but that’s not the biggest problem. Using hot water in your washer consumes a lot of energy. Instead, use the regular cold water and allow the dryer to handle the rest. 

Your clothes will last longer, thus eliminating the need for new clothes (which can contribute to your savings), and you won’t use so much energy. 

If you live in a city with a lot of sunshine and have some space at the back, consider skipping the dryer and just drying the clothes on a clothesline. Speaking of doing laundry, only do full loads every time instead of wasting water and energy on small loads. 

Take Care of All Possible Air Leaks

The biggest cause of HVAC inefficiency is air leaks caused by poor insulation, drafts, or cracks on doors and windows. If your windows are cracked, you can think about repairing them or just replacing them with vinyl windows that provide better insulation, are soundproof, and last long. Look for other air leak sources, and apply some caulk to seal them

Use Fans More During the Summer

Your HVAC units are the biggest hog of electricity during the summer and winter because they run all day. In addition to ensuring that your unit is in good shape, you need to use them more efficiently. 

For starters, keep your curtains shut when direct sunlight hits them. Keeping them shut will keep cool air in and prevent the sun from heating up the room.

Then, use fans a lot more. Fans help circulate the cool air during the summer or warm air during the winter, helping you cool off or get warm faster. 

Hacks for Lowering Your Energy Bills

These hacks for lowering your energy bills allow you to stay comfortable while saving money. You don’t have to change your lifestyle if you implement these tips.

Leave a comment and let me know if you have any other tips!

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