For the Home, Home, Outside Fun

Installing A Swimming Pool Is So Much More Than The Main Event

Few things have as large of an impact on your home’s curb appeal as installing a swimming pool. The trouble is that, with the average swimming pool costing somewhere around the $35,000 mark, this isn’t exactly a home improvement you’ll want to jump into without thought.

Yet, no matter how much planning you do for your pool itself, installing a pool is about way more than just the main event. Whether you want some peaceful dusk-based swims or your kids have been begging you for a swimming pool for years, you need to consider the following before you make a decision here. 

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Things to Think About When Installing A Swimming Pool

1. Where are you going to put pool supplies?

It’s one thing making room for your pool, but it’s another to ensure that you have somewhere practical for your inevitably long list of pool supplies. After all, going back and forth from the house every time you need to do something isn’t fun or practical. 

Instead, supplies like a pool skimmer, vacuum, net, test kit, and plenty more, need somewhere, preferably a small shed or pool house, in the vicinity of your poolside. Fail to factor for this at the planning stages, and you will likely regret it later.

2. What about safety measures?

If you’re installing a pool to keep your kids happy, then safety measures must be a top priority. Forget that slide and funky design your youngsters have been bugging you about. Instead, factor in things like fencing, dead-bolt locks, pool covers, and waterproofing supplies for your around-pool flooring. These are extra expenses to factor in, but they’re also essential to the success of your pool. Making sure safety measures are in place before you let your kids loose could save lives and prevent you from pulling your hair out. 

3. Who’s taking care of the finishing touches?

It’s easy to fixate on the technicalities of building your pool, but an untouched expanse of pool in place of what used to be lawn or flowers can quickly feel like a mistake if you don’t also focus on finishing touches. Fence planters for flowers, palm trees dotted around your pool area, or even a wooden structure that frames the whole thing are just a few examples of what you could do to change this. Even something as simple as installing a few fairy lights could help. Either way, you’ll want to add finishing touches if you want everyone to fall in love with this pool. 

Installing A Swimming Pool

Installing a pool can be stressful. However, it’ll become even more so if you forget that these additions are what make your swimming pool something great. Do you have any other tips to add? Leave a comment and let us know.

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