Family Activities, Home, Our Family, Parenting

The 6 Great Benefits of Removing the TV From Your Home

Have you ever thought about getting rid of the TV? It might have crossed your mind, especially if you’ve got kids fighting over the remote. If you are trying to make your household a better one, is removing the television a solution to try? While TV isn’t the root of all evil, there are many benefits to actually removing the television.

Benefits of Removing the TV

Benefits of Removing the TV From Your Home

You Will Spend More Time Together

When you don’t congregate around the television, the living room serves a different purpose. It becomes a space where you spend time focusing on one another. You can spend time playing games, talking, and just enjoying each other’s company. There will be times when you want to watch something, but you can always go out to the movies. If money is tight and you’ve got a Mac, there are many ways that you can start adding movies to iTunes for a treat. Instead of having the TV as your visual and emotional focus, removing it and using movies as the treat can make a big difference. 

You Can Start Your Day Without Kids TV

Removing the television can be a big shock to the system, especially if you’ve got kids that want to watch their favorite shows. You probably also have an iPad or a phone where you could give your children the opportunity to watch things. Plus, there will be times you give in because you’re that tired. However, what you can do here is gradually ease off over time. When your child doesn’t need to watch something first thing in the morning, they naturally start gravitating towards their toys. It allows for a more creative way to start the day. If they can play in their room while you relax in the living room with your cup of coffee, it’s a win-win! 

Your Child Will Play With More Toys, one of the Best Benefits of Removing the TV

Most children have too much stuff. When your child doesn’t play with any of their toys, not only is this a massive waste of money, but it hints that your child is not playing with them because there’s a bright shiny box in the corner of the living room taking their attention instead. If your child only plays with these toys for a few minutes, removing TV could mean that your child focuses on the toys and gives them the attention that they need. Additionally, this could spark their imaginations even more. It is an amazing way for them to start filling in the gaps in their mind. This means that rather than sitting down and watching TV that force-feeds all sorts of information, they are now using their brains in different ways. 

You Will Start Playing With Your Kids More

The benefits are not just for the kids! The fact is that you will start to get involved in playtime more. As you will have a lot more time to do other things, think about what you would achieve. You could play with your kids but you could also start reading more and actually spending time developing yourself. Because after all, your child is not going to want to play with you all of the time. Spending more time with them is going to strengthen the bond, but imagine what else you could achieve with your life.

You Will Have More Time With Your Significant Other

Sure, you may still feel the temptation to watch Netflix in bed, but if you’re trying to practice what you preach as a parent, you can spend more time with your partner actually talking and getting quality one-on-one time. While quality time is one of those important things in life, you may not like the idea of canceling your Netflix subscription. But the thing to remember is that TV doesn’t have to dominate your life. You can take the opportunities to do other things that can benefit you both as a couple. Everybody has been there; they’ve had such a terrible day that they just need to relax and focus on something mindless. However, having quality time with the other person and possibly venting will be more productive in the long run.

You’ll Think About the Quality of the TV You Watch

When you watch shows as a distraction, removing the TV gets you thinking about the quality of what you watch. If there’s an upcoming event you want to watch, you can make a plan for watching it ahead of time. Reaching for the remote is such an easy option, but without a TV, you’ll be forced to decide what’s worth making a plan for.

Great Benefits of Removing the TV

If you are trying to make a home more suitable for your children, you may think that getting rid of the TV is a very extreme response. However, if you spend a lot of your time in front of devices, it might be worth it. You never know, you might be surprised how your lives change!

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