Decor, For the Home, Home, How To, Spring

Use These 6 Affordable Tips to Spruce Up Your Living Room This Spring

If you’re like me, you often get the urge to rearrange and redecorate your living room. However, it’s not possible to always spend a ton of money to make huge changes. If your home is looking a little drab and in major need of a refurb this year, it can be a great idea to find affordable ways to spruce up your living room.

Your living room is the gathering place in your family home and likely where you spend the most time, so making some much-needed upgrades is necessary sometimes. Luckily, there are ways you can spruce up your living room without breaking the bank. Here are some of the best ways to freshen up the room without spending too much money.

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Tips to Spruce Up Your Living Room

Rearrange Your Room

When planning a decorating project, the first thing you will likely do is head to a furniture store. However, there might not be any need to buy new items because your current furniture can make a room feel refreshed when moved. Take a look around your house.

There might be chairs, cushions, blankets, artwork, and plants that you can bring into the living room to brighten it up. Think of how you can move furniture around in the room to change your viewpoint.

It can create a whole new look without spending a penny. But, if rearranging your furniture doesn’t work, try looking for new pieces at local furniture stores. If you’re in Sydney, you can find affordable couches to finish off your newly redecorated living room look. But do your research and find couches for sale sydney if you want to save money without sacrificing style.

Paint a Feature Wall

If you don’t have a lot of money to spend on your project paint one wall. A feature wall is a common way of adding some fun to a room, and it can change the whole design. Choose a bright color and paint a wall you will often face, and enjoy the new lease of life it brings.

You can also choose a wallpaper for your feature wall. There are many styles and designs to choose from, so you can create whatever aesthetic you want.

Install New Windows 

One of the features in a living room that can often get overlooked is the windows. They don’t take up space in the room, so you may not notice your windows until they get dirty. However, consider installing new windows from Wilmington Window this year to help you breathe new life back into your living room. There will be a cost here, but once you have installed new windows, you won’t have to change them again. 

Once the windows are in, consider getting some new roller blinds that will not overtake the window space and make it look cramped. Opening up your living room this way is a great way to let natural light in, as well as make it look fresh.

Update Your Soft Furnishings

The concept of minimalist design might not be for everyone. But, there are many merits to having a home painted in neutral colors. If you have a neutral living room, it is easy to change your design without painting the walls. All you need to do is update your soft furnishings, including blankets and cushions. As soon as you add new cushions to the sofa, you’ll create a color scheme. The beauty is that you can change it throughout the year to suit the season.

Add Artwork to Spruce Up Your Living Room

One of the best ways to upgrade a room without spending too much money is to hang art on the wall. If you have plain walls in the living room, colorful art can change the dynamic in no time. Whether you decide to go for a stunning landscape photograph, a trio of watercolor paintings, or your favorite movie posters – this change will breathe life and personality into your living room. Choose a fun piece or multiple pieces, and rotate them now and again to refresh the space.

Add Some Greenery

Sometimes all a room needs is a touch of green. If your home is decorated in a plain color scheme, the addition of green and red can be amazing. Adding a connection to nature is good to bring some vibrance into the room and help your stress levels. Plants such as begonias, aloe veras, and herbs can add color and depth to the living room design without costing much money.

Recap: Spruce Up Your Living Room

 Use some of these simple tips and tricks to help you to spruce up your living room this year.

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