Do you ever feel a little off after eating? Maybe a bit bloated, or you have an upset stomach? Maybe you’ve been experiencing more acid reflux lately, and you’re not sure why? Well, these could all be things your body is telling you about your diet. It’s a sign that your diet isn’t quite right for you, and your body wants you to know about it!
Each sign can mean something different, and it’s best to know their possible causes before making any changes to your diet. Let’s go through some of the most common warnings your body will send you about what you’re eating.

What Your Body Is Telling You About Your Diet
You’re Missing Out on Vitamins
Being vitamin deficient is surprisingly common. Thanks to just how many people take supplements, the signs are simple to spot and address. If your mouth cracks in the corners, it’s a sign that you’re B Vitamin deficient or that your iron levels are low. Bleeding gums can be a sign of Vitamin D deficiency, and if you have poor vision during the night, it could be that you have low levels of Vitamin A.
However, simply eating more greens, as well as more iron-rich meats, and even just a few more eggs now and then, can help tackle all of these issues in the long term.
You Need to Drink More Water
Had a few headaches recently? Maybe your muscles cramp a lot more than usual after exercise? If your mouth feels dry and your lips crack easily, these are all signs that you’re not drinking enough. You can solve the problem by taking in more water day by day.
But how much water is good for you? It depends on the person, but experts recommend at least two liters of water per day for good hydration. This amount is especially true if you enjoy salt in your diet or are on your feet for long periods. Make sure you’ve got a bottle of water somewhere nearby, too. Take a swig every 20 minutes or so – it’s a good way to form the habit!
You’re Intolerant to Something
Food intolerances are more common than you might realize. Even if you’ve never been allergic to something before, there’s a good chance you’ve developed an intolerance. If you like to eat a lot of cheese, for example, you might just one day find you cannot digest it anymore. And the same goes for both gluten and wheat intolerances.
But what does a food intolerance look like? According to gastroenterologists, it can be anything from a small stomach ache to persistent constipation or diarrhea. If you’ve experienced any of these symptoms for a short period now, it’s worth talking to your doctor. You can express your concerns and rule out a potential intolerance from your system.
Your Body Is Telling You Things About Your Diet
Feeling a bit rough? Your body has a lot to say about your diet! Don’t ignore the signs so that you can live the healthiest life possible.