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6 Simple Tips for Anyone Struggling With A Patchy Lawn

Some years are more challenging than others on our yards. One area that tends to show problems sooner than others is the lawn. A once green and lush lawn can quickly turn into a patchy, yellow, and dry space.

If you have the budget and want the best results, calling lawn care specialists is often the best option. However, you can try getting your lawn back to its glory by yourself before calling in the experts.

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Tips for Anyone Struggling With A Patchy Lawn


Unless you carefully select the type of grass you have, you might not know what your lawn already has. While most of us see grass as grass, some different types and combinations can create a lawn.

Just like flowers, different grasses are best for different climates. Some grass likes a warm temperature while others don’t. There are also grasses that are fine with fluctuations in temperature and weather.

Warm-season grass

  • Bermuda
  • Carpetgrass
  • Centipede
  • Zoysia
  • Bahiagrass Pensacola
  • Argentine

Cool-season grass

  • Bluegrass
  • Ryegrass
  • Creeping red fescue
  • Bentgrass
  • Tall fescue

There are guides online to help you identify the type of grass you have and how you can best take care of them. 


Keep in mind that grass is naturally low in the nutrients it needs to thrive. Invest in high-quality fertilizer and follow the instruction down to the letter. 

Professionals will use a fertilizer combination for your type of lawn, while the regular products we find in the stores aren’t specific.

The higher fertilizer quality, the more likely you will see slow-release coatings, micronutrients, and bio-nutritional materials. You’ll see great results when using the right fertilizer combination or brand.


Like the rest of your garden, your grass needs watering to stay healthy. The amount you water and how often you do it has a big impact on your lawn. Watering can be hard to do during water bans, though.

Watering can be hard to do during water bans, though. It can be beneficial for you to collect rainwater in water buckets for dry seasons.

Most grass species need between one and two inches of water a week. You’ll need to balance that against any rainwater you have had in the same week. Too much water will cause root rot; even if the grass appears yellow and patchy, you can overwater it.

Aeration to Fix a Patchy Lawn

One thing that is often considered the secret to an amazing lawn is actually aeration. As well as water and good fertilizer, having space to breathe is essential. Little holes are made in the lawn using an aeration machine, and tiny soil plugs are pulled out. These little holes allow for better watering and for the lawn feed to penetrate further into the soil. 

You can also use manual aeration tools or shoes with spikes on them. Click these images to check them out:

Tips for Anyone Struggling With A Patchy Lawn

Getting your lawn back in great condition is one of the steps you can take while giving the yard a much-needed facelift: Best Tips For The Perfect Yard Makeover: Start Enjoying Your Space Now

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