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6 Signs of Rats Infestation in Your Home to Never Ignore

Every year, rats take over an estimated 2 million homes in America. An infestation in your home is a horrifying sight. It’s not always easy to maintain a rat-free home, especially in urban areas. However, every homeowner should know how to recognize the signs of infestation in their home. If there are rats in your home, you can take steps to prevent them from taking over your household. 

Warning Signs of a Rodent Infestation in Your Home 

Rats are small, brown, furry rodents that can cause a lot of damage to your home. Many signs indicate rats are in your house, and you only have to know what to look for.

If you are looking for ways of rat removal, here are six signs of rodent infestation in your home: 

1. You see Droppings 

The first and most obvious sign of a rat infestation is the presence of rodent droppings. You’ll see droppings in different places throughout your home. For example, they might be in corners, behind furniture, or in cupboards. They also tend to be quite large and can be easily identified as rat feces rather than those of a mouse.  

2. You Notice Gnaw Marks 

Another sign of rat infestation is gnawing marks on wood and other materials. Rats like to chew on wood, plastic, and even electrical wires because it helps them keep their teeth in good shape. They also gnaw to mark their territory and leave behind an odor that other rats will recognize when they pass by the area. Rats can chew through almost anything, including walls, floorboards, and even plumbing pipes. 

3. You see Evidence of Rat Burrowing 

Rats may burrow into your home if they have access to food nearby or feel threatened by humans or other animals in the area. If you see holes in your walls or see dirt or droppings around your home, this could be a sign of burrowing activity by rats. Burrows are usually large enough for one rat to pass through at a time, but larger burrows can sometimes be used by several rats if there is enough space. 

4. You Smell a Foul Odor 

If there is a foul smell coming from your house or business premises, it could be a sign that there are rats present. A rat’s urine has a strong odor, especially when it has been on surfaces for some time. Rats urinate often, so if you notice an offensive smell in your home, rats may have infested it. 

5. Tampered Food Packaging Indicates an Infestation in Your Home

Rats love to eat, and they will go to great lengths to get ahold of some food. Rats know they will have to find ways of getting food from you. When rats have access to food, they often tamper with the packaging to get at the contents inside. This situation includes bags of chips and other snacks that people might leave out on their counters or tables. 

6. You Hear Scratching Noises 

Rats make scratching noises on hard surfaces to mark their territory and keep other rats away from their food sources. They also scratch their bodies against surfaces to relieve itching caused by their fur rubbing against each other or their skin. If you hear scratching noises at night, it could be rats in the attic or walls.

In Conclusion: Infestation in Your Home

Rats and mice like to live in places where food is available. So, if you want to ensure that rats aren’t dwelling in your home, you should store your food correctly. Also, it would be a good idea to check frequently for any traces of rats in your home. If you’re unsure how to do it, it might be better to contact a professional pest control company as soon as possible.
