
First-Time Parents? 7 Basic Steps to Prepare for the Baby’s Arrival

** First-Time Parents? 7 Basic Steps to Prepare for the Baby’s Arrival is a guest post written by Katie Pierce, content writer. **

Having a new baby may be a wonderful experience, but it can also be exhausting and overwhelming. As first-time parents, the last thing you want to do is neglect a crucial step or anything fundamental that might make labor and the first few days at home more difficult.

Here are seven things to do before your baby arrives to help you prepare and enjoy those magical moments with your newborn.

Prepare all essential baby gear.

Before your baby comes home, there are certain items you should purchase, assemble, and test to make sure they work and you understand how to use them. Make sure you have essential pieces of baby gear, such as diapers, baby wipes, newborn clothing, and nursing bras and pads if you plan to breastfeed, or baby bottles and formula if you intend to bottle-feed.

Prepare a secure sleeping area for your baby, and don’t forget to install a car seat—the hospital will not allow you to leave without one! 

However, don’t feel obligated to have every baby product imaginable on hand. Some things, like nursery furniture, an easy-to-clean play kit, and a high chair, can wait. Talk with other parents to know which items they found most useful, and don’t worry about the rest.

Choose a doctor for your baby.

You may want to start looking for a pediatrician for your baby midway through your pregnancy. That may seem to be too soon, but you’ll want to give yourself plenty of time to choose the right doctor for your family. The doctor you choose will come to know your family well and provide you with medical guidance throughout your child’s growth.

The first two years are crucial in your baby’s development, and you’ll be visiting your doctor at least ten times for well-baby checkups. Expect unplanned visits because of a fever, the common cold, or skin concerns, too.

You should also check if the doctor accepts new patients and your health insurance. Contact your health insurance provider to learn how to add your baby to your policy, and find out which local providers are covered. Make sure you understand how your insurance plan works, including pregnancy care and childbirth benefits.

Create a birth plan.

Long before your baby arrives, you’ll want to prepare by having a solid plan in place about whom to call, where to go, and when to leave.

Your healthcare provider should give you clear instructions on what to do when you go into labor, including when to go to the hospital—or when to contact the midwife if you want to give birth at home. Decide who will accompany you, and prepare for contingencies.

Know the best routes to the hospital, pack your hospital bags, and have them in your car or near the front door so you are ready to leave at a moment’s notice.

Stock up on household essentials.

When you’re caring for your new baby on little sleep, the last thing you need is to run out of toilet paper. Stock up on toilet paper, backup baby formula, medicine, frozen meals, pantry staples, safe cleaning supplies, and personal care products before the baby arrives.

Bulk buying won’t just help you avoid sleep-deprived trips to the store or frazzled online orders in the middle of the night, but it’s also a cost-effective way to shop. More importantly, it’s a great way to practice sustainability. One of the most eco-friendly benefits of buying bulk is that it reduces the amount of product packaging that ends up in landfills.

Take childbirth and newborn care classes.

Many aspects of parenting come naturally, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t conduct some research and educate yourself about the baby’s arrival. A childbirth class can teach you all you need to know about labor and delivery so you can face the big day with confidence. Newborn care classes cover everything from breastfeeding and bathing to swaddling and infant CPR. 

You can also read up or enroll in an online course for expectant parents. There are many excellent parenting books and some really good options for online classes. 

Don’t forget to take care of yourself.

Preparing for your baby’s arrival is more than just crossing items off a list. It’s also important to take time for yourself—alone and with your partner. No doubt you’ll be completely devoted to your baby. But you’ll also miss your alone time or those peaceful moments with your partner. So, take advantage of the time before the baby arrives to do the activities you enjoy.

Some first-time parents take vacations before the birth of their child. If you have the financial resources, time, and energy for this type of getaway, go for it! Just make sure to plan your trip during a stage of your pregnancy when it is safe to travel.

If you can’t take a full-on vacation, weekend staycations in your hometown or simply planning some downtime at home are excellent ways to take time for yourself and with your partner.

Enjoy your new bundle of joy!

Finally, don’t get too caught up in all the advice for first-time parents available. There are no guidelines for being a perfect parent and no prizes for winners either. The best prize is already in your arms—your new baby. 

So, above anything else, take the time to enjoy your little one. They don’t stay tiny forever, and you’ll find time flying faster than you ever imagined.

Don’t worry if you’re still feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about how to begin preparing for a new baby—you’re not alone! Check out our blog for more parenting tips and hacks as you begin your parenting journey.

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