Health, Healthy Living

How to Keep Your Eyes Healthy: Insider Secret 

The eyes are the source of light to your whole being. That is why you must take care of them by all means possible. Various severe eye diseases can lead to a loss in vision, which can be very frustrating. Most eye problems are preventable if you practice healthy eye care. You also need constant eyesight checkups to ensure arising problems are handled. Below are insider secrets on how to keep your eyes healthy. 

Keep Your Eyes Healthy

How to Keep Your Eyes Healthy

Ensure You Eat Healthily 

To maintain healthy eyesight, you must start by eating a well-balanced diet. This helps you get the required nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin C and E, Zinc, and Lutein, which helps your eyes stay strong and fight diseases. As you age, you risk getting vision-related problems such as cataracts and macular degeneration. You can reduce this risk by ensuring you eat food such as fish, non-meat protein sources, green leafy vegetables, and fruits. Eating a healthy diet also evades you from other health complications such as obesity and diseases such as type 2 diabetes which often lead to blindness in adults. 

Consider Wearing Sunglasses 

Gazing at the sun directly can cause numerous eye problems, limiting your vision. It’s crucial when walking in the sun or having time at places like the beach you consider wearing a perfect pair of shades to protect you from the UV rays. The sun’s ultraviolet light can lead to conditions such as macular degeneration and cataracts. So, when choosing shades, ensure they can block at least 99% or 100% of UVB and UVA rays to ensure your eyes are fully protected. If you have undergone Implantable Contact Lens (ICL) surgery to treat your eyesight condition, you can consider still using sunglasses to add an extra layer. This will help ensure your eyes are well protected, and you don’t have to worry about walking under the sun. 

Avoid Looking at The Computer Screen Directly 

Most people are often glued to their computers which risks their eyesight since it can lead to vision loss. Some significant risks include having trouble focusing at a distance, dry eyes, blurry vision, shoulder, eyestrain, and back and neck pain. This problem can be avoided by using glasses or contact lenses that are prescribed and up to date. It’s also crucial to talk to your doctor if the eye strain persists and ensure you move your computer to ensure your eyes are at the same level as the top of the monitor. This will help you lower your eyesight whenever you’re using the computer or mobile. 

Use Protective Eyewear 

Some people ignore the need to use protective gear to cover their eyes when dealing with hazardous or airborne material. This can cause severe eye problems, and it can be even tricky to treat and sometimes cannot be treatable. You must wear protective gear to cover yourself when dealing with sensitive activities such as ice hockey, lacrosse, and racquetball.  

Bottom Line: Keep Your Eyes Healthy

You should consider incorporating the above tips to keep your eyes healthy. Always consult your doctor to get the correct prediction and ensure your eyes are well maintained. 


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