For the Home, Home, Sustainability

4 Sustainable Home Improvements You Can Make Today

Sustainable Home Improvements

According to the Center for Sustainable Systems, a typical US household produces a carbon footprint of about 40 metric tons of carbon emissions yearly, with the main culprits being food, water, and transportation. Unfortunately, you don’t have to look too far to see the negative effects of carbon emissions on climate change, global warming, and other environmental concerns. Creating a sustainable home plays a crucial role in reducing these negative effects. Here are some sustainable home improvements you can make today. 

4 Sustainable Home Improvements You Can Make Today

1. Consider solar energy

Consider installing solar panels on your roof or any other convenient area of your property to make good use of the sun’s natural energy. Solar energy renews itself, so you don’t have to worry about depleting it. Also, with so many advancements in line with solar technology, you’ll find many easy-to-install solar home appliances to invest in. You can find various solar alternatives, from your fans to your heating systems and lighting solutions. If you’re worried about the cost of solar panels, recent trends show that the massive growth of the solar industry has led to a more than 70% drop in the cost of solar panels in the past decade. You can also find various companies like Wayne’s Solar experienced in solar panel installation and is budget-friendly. 

2. Start composting

As mentioned earlier, food is one of the major contributors to carbon emissions. Most of this comes from food waste and leftovers. The US alone generates about 300 million tons of food and other yard waste. Instead of dumping food leftovers into the garbage disposal, add them to other yard waste to create compost for your garden. 

3. Install energy-efficient lighting 

Improving your home’s lighting is one of the easiest yet most sustainable ways to improve your home. Some studies have shown that energy-saving LED light bulbs use up to 90% less energy than regular bulbs. That means not only will you be doing the environment a lot of good, but you will also end up cutting down your bills by a significant amount. 

Apart from switching to LED light bulbs, there are other things you can do to reduce your energy consumption. For example, you can avoid keeping your lights on all day by taking advantage of the sunlight that filters your home throughout the day, especially during the summer. You can also consider tweaking your home’s interior color theme to make it brighter. For instance, instead of using darker colors for your walls, opt for brighter ones that reflect light. 

4. Upgrade to energy-efficient windows for Sustainable Home Improvements

Various studies have shown that a typical home loses about 18% of its energy through its windows. That means you’re not only overworking your heating and cooling systems but also spending more money on bills. Upgrading to energy-efficient windows is helpful, as they lock in cool or warm air and prevent them from seeping out. But if you don’t want to change your current windows, you can always use various window treatments to reseal them and prevent energy loss.

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