For the Home, Home, Winter

5 Easy Ways to Get Your Home Ready for Winter

Winter is around the corner, and it’s time to start thinking about how to get your home ready for winter. With the right planning, you can avoid some of the expensive repairs and inconveniences that happen in the colder seasons. Improve your insulation to save energy, and install carpets for warmth. 

How to Get Your Home Ready for Winter

Improve Insulation 

Energy will be at a premium this winter, thanks to geopolitical events and supply issues, so it makes sense to prepare to be as frugal as possible with your winter energy consumption. Improving your insulation is one of the best ways to reduce your consumption and save money. 

Improving your insulation can be done on a large or small scale; to get the best value out of insulation, you might want to invest in spay foam or cavity wall insulation, which uses special expanding foam to fill all the nooks and crannies. Hanging heavy curtains is also very effective.  

Smart Thermostats 

Smart thermostats are programmable thermostats that allow homeowners to regulate the temperature of particular rooms at particular times; of course, this is a very useful feature if you want to save money on your energy bills through the winter; they can be pre-programmed. 

Unfortunately, it’s not possible to simply buy a smart meter from the internet and install it as a DIY job; instead, you have to contact your energy provider and request a device; an energy engineer will also have to install it for your in the home and make sure everything is connected.    

Clear the Gutters 

When it comes to preparing your home for winter, there are two main areas you want to concentrate on, heat and water. Improve your energy consumption by switching your energy plan and improving your insulation, but you also don’t want your home to suffer water damage. 

Winter follows autumn closely, which means there is a build-up of leaves in the gutters and drains, these need to be cleared out before the winter sets in. Otherwise, they can cause flooding and water damage in your home. Water damage is inconvenient and expensive.  

Install New Carpets 

If you want to enjoy a cozy winter in your home this year, consider installing new carpets. Wooden flooring might have been trending for the past few years, but it doesn’t provide the same comfort value, noise reduction, and safety value as new carpets installed for the season. 

If you have carpets in your home already, consider a high-quality carpet cleaning service instead of new carpets. If you invest in a cleaning service, you can bring your carpets back to their original condition at a lower cost. Carpet cleaning can also create a cozy winter home. 

Check the Boiler and Furnace

The last thing you want is for your heating to go down during winter. It can be inconvenient and expensive to call for a repair at short notice. Getting it checked ahead of time can save money and ensure you’ll stay warm. Double-check your furnace or boiler in the autumn and avoid heating issues when you least expect them.  

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