For the Home, Home, Winter

5 Ways to Make Your Home Winter Warm

Winter can be arduous, with the short days and cold nights, freezing water pipes, and expensive energy bills. On the other hand, winter can be cozy, especially if you can think ahead and put the pieces into place. Here are some ideas to make your home winter warm this year.

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How to Make Your Home Winter Warm

Warm Colors 

Experts have studied colors for centuries, beginning when Sir Issac Newton discovered the light spectrum in his Oxford dormitory. Nowadays, colors can evoke certain emotions. For example, green indicates safety and healing, while red implies danger and strength.

With this in mind, it’s a good idea to consider the colors in your home this winter. When it’s cold and icy outside, you want colors that will inspire a sense of warmth and coziness. Choose reds, yellows, oranges, and gold. You don’t have to re-paint the entire home, just an accent wall.

Cozy Lighting 

One of the best ways to make a home cozy this winter is to use lighting. Cozy lighting can be in the form of string lights, dimmer lights, twinkle lights, and paper lanterns. Sometimes you need the main light on, but not when you’re making the place cozy in the evenings and weekends. 

Using a selection of string lights, standing lamps, and dimmer lights, you can create an ambiance in gloomy corners, making them perfect for reading or watching a festive movie. If you don’t want to buy new lighting, you can change the bulbs to more efficient warmer ones.  

Use Rugs to Stay Winter Warm

Some people make wholesale changes to their homes around wintertime; they install new carpets, insulation, and heating systems; but that’s not always necessary to make your home warmer in the winter. All you have to do is introduce rugs in some rooms.

Like carpets, rugs are very comfortable and cozy; they give the rooms a sense of hominess and an atmosphere. Of course, rugs come in different textiles and colors to fit every style. Alternatively, invest in a rug cleaning to bring existing rugs back. 

Natural Elements 

The winter season might be barren outside, but there is still a lot of nature around that can help to make your home cozy and seasonal. If you enjoy a nature walk now and then, why not collect some twigs and holy for a front door wreath or create a candle holder from a log you’ve found?

Natural elements can be authentic and collected from the local environment, but they can also be manufactured products. Bringing more wood elements into the home, such as wooden coffee tables, standing lamps, and bookcases creates a warmer atmosphere for your family in the winter.    

Cozy Throws

Why would you want to be without cozy throws in the winter? Cozy throws are perfect for creating a little nest on the sofa at a moment’s notice or adding warmth to a bedspread on an extra cold night. Add in some cozy throws this winter and experience the benefits of winter warmth.  

Recap: Winter Warm

Winter is cold, but you can stay warm in your home. Being winter warm involves using cozy items to bring comfort. Do you have any other ideas? Leave a comment and let us know. 🙂

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