
Why should you get dental veneers?  

Do you suffer from oral health issues such as gum pains, misaligned teeth, cavities, and more? These are typical concerns among people who do not follow a proper oral hygiene routine. There are several therapeutic options available to maintain your gums and teeth, including dental veneers. But, no matter your treatment option, you must be consistent.  

The medical sciences have developed a simple yet effective solution for various oral health problems; dental veneers. So, what are these laminates, and why should you consider them a treatment option for your teeth? 

Do not worry; we mention all the essential information about veneers in this article. Let’s dig in to learn more.  

Treats multiple oral health issues  

It is amongst the best treatment options for treating your teeth issues. Dental laminates enhance your appearance and give you a more even & brighter smile. Besides oral medical problems, they are also helpful in treating cosmetic occurrences. These include:  

  • Chipped or Broken teeth  
  • Smaller than average teeth  
  • Misalignment in teeth  
  • Unusually sharp teeth 
  • Discolored denture; partial or severe and more. 

People who got their porcelain veneers with Beverly Hills Dental Arts said they last for more than a decade and have a realistic feel. They are more robust than crowns and look better. Moreover, you can select the color tone. Even gums can easily tolerate porcelain well. Also, veneers do not need any special care; follow a healthy oral hygiene routine, and that is it.  

Easy treatment procedure  

You’d be surprised to need only three trips to your dentists to complete the production. It is a straightforward and convenient process. The process is divided into three parts mentioned below:  

  • Diagnosis and planning: On the first visit, your dentist will examine your teeth and check for the conditions that need to be treated. Later, they discuss the procedure with you and make impressions of your teeth to ensure the veneer fits well.  
  • Preparation: In the next visit to your dentist, they will reshape the surface and remove some enamel from your tooth. It is to fit the laminates in that area. The next visit will be after 2-4 weeks. Some dentists may use temporary laminates during this time to mitigate any inconvenience.  
  • Bonding: The final visit for the procedure is to fix the laminates in your teeth. The dentist will check the laminate for color and fitting. The doctor may repeatedly remove it to trim the veneer for a perfect fit. The procedure is completed by fixing the veneer using chemical cement; it is activated using a bright light; the cement hardens quickly.  

You may come back for follow-ups after a few weeks to check gum health and veneer placement.  

With proper upkeep and following the correct dental hygiene, your porcelain laminates may last more than ten years. These dental veneers are stain-resistant, so you do not have to worry about getting them discolored.

Recap: Dental Veneers

Dental laminates are an easy option for anyone who does not want a long healing process and needs effective results. There is no limitation on eating any food unless necessary for your health. In addition, the specialist will suggest a retainer for added protection if you are habitual of clenching or grinding teeth.  
