
4 Ways to Improve Skin Collagen Levels for Aging Women

Improve Skin Collagen Levels

When searching for ways to reduce aging, you likely came across finding ways to improve skin collagen levels. Collagen is a vital structural protein found in the skin that acts like a scaffolding and also increases volume resulting in the skin being wrinkle-free and also smooth.  

Environmental factors such as pollution and sun exposure can reduce collagen in the body which would result in wrinkles and lines. Having more collagen means you have fewer wrinkles and lifted and smooth skin.  

Below are several methods of improving skin collagen levels for aging women.  

How to Improve Skin Collagen Levels for Aging Women

1. Cosmetic Injections  

Cosmetic injections are one way of improving skin collagen levels by encouraging the body to produce collagen, a fibrous protein that makes the skin look youthful, taut, and firm. Experts from Sculptra in Austin suggest the use of poly-l-lactic acid which is a naturally occurring component that increases the volume of the skin while also aiding collagen production.  

Gradually, the skin would produce new collagen fibers that elevate facial contours, reduce wrinkles and fine lines, and tighten skin tissues. Also, dermal fillers which are meant to reduce lines in the skin contain hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is also a compound that helps in promoting collagen production.  

2. Vitamin C 

Vitamin C is vital for collagen production. When a person is low on collagen, it can result in low collagen levels which would lead to a potentially serious condition called scurvy.  Some of the symptoms of scurvy include issues with wound healing, skin symptoms, and gum problems.  

Also, the skin is unable to produce collagen, so you need to get them from diets such as broccoli, strawberries, red or green peppers, and citrus fruits. Sometimes, doctors might recommend supplements in case of a low vitamin C level. 

3. Antioxidants 

Antioxidants can protect your body from free radicals (molecules produced by the body during metabolism). Exposing your body to chemicals like those found in tobacco smoke can add free radicals to your body.  

Several antioxidants can help in rejuvenating and protecting your skin for instance through the production of collagen. You can find antioxidants in several plant-based foods. Antioxidants like licorice extract, yerba mate, blueberries, coffee extract, Mulberry extract, cinnamon, astragalus, pomegranate extract, etc can benefit your skin.  

4. Aloe vera gel 

You can use aloe vera gel to treat the skin after a sunburn or to ease a rash. Also, when you use aloe vera, it reduces wrinkles, provides better hydration in the arm skin, doubles collagen and hyaluronic acid level, and also contributes to cell growth which benefits the skin. Aloe vera can be used either as an oral supplement, gel, or topical cream. 

Recap: Improve Skin Collagen Levels

Many people value healthy skin, but beauty isn’t only about the skin. Healthy skin means that the other part of your body is doing well. There is no way to completely remove aging signs from the skin. 

But, it is very easy to improve or maintain healthy skin. A good way of doing this is to boost your skin’s collagen naturally. You can improve your appearance and overall health. 

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