Life, Mental Health

4 Tips For Greeting Your Day With A Pep In Your Step

It’s amazing how much “a good day” is defined before we even go out to live it. For example, if you barely get any sleep, then odds are you’re not going to have a great day regardless of what happens in it, because you’ll feel tired, irritable, and unhappy. Learning positive tips for greeting your day can make a difference.

In this way, how we prepare for our days can define the content of our weekly experiences and the structure of our lives. That’s why it’s always good to greet the day with a pep in your step, willing and able to welcome anything new and good.

That’s a nice platitude, of course, but not always achievable. So, sometimes the best pursuit is to maximize your number of good days and minimize your number of bad ones. That’s why it’s always healthy to consider how you greet the day each morning. In this post, we’ll discuss how to achieve it, with lifestyle habits that make a tremendous positive difference:

Consider Your Breakfast Preference

It’s good to eat a nutritious breakfast each morning to get you ready for the day. However, not everyone finds that seemingly universal advice to be best for them. For some, it takes a little time before they can eat. Others may feel much sharper having breakfast at brunch or eating a larger lunch to compensate.

What works for you is usually acceptable if you eat enough calories and get appropriate macronutrients during the day. A light breakfast, such as fruit, a slice of toast, and coffee, can be enough. Just make sure to factor this into your routine, and avoid too much sugar as soon as you wake up.

Find Fresh Air: Tips For Greeting Your Day

It’s healthy to find a few deep breaths of fresh air as soon as you wake up, or as soon as you feel cognitively able to stand outside for a few moments. Greeting the day by welcoming fresh air, taking some deep breaths, and then getting on with your day can wake you like nothing else. 

We all know how tired we can be if we head directly into a warm shower, eat and then check our phone for ten minutes before we do anything. You can subvert that by pursuing fresh air as soon as you wake up and benefiting from that immediate contact with the outside world.

Stay Away From Your Phone

It’s healthy to stay away from your phone in the mornings. After turning off your morning alarm, check if you have any pressing notifications. If not, move on, and don’t open your news app, check the weather, catch up on non-important messages, or do anything that compels you to use the device.

It’s easy to have a toxic relationship with checking your phone. If that happens immediately after you wake up, you’ve distanced yourself from a healthy morning. Instead, attend to all the other tasks and then check your phone before going to work. Consider asking for a vocal summary of the news and weather through your voice assistant.

Enjoy A Cold-End To Your Shower

If you enjoy showering when you wake up, you may know the lethargy that comes after. That’s why it can help to turn the shower temperature to cold, or at least colder. It helps refresh your perspective and feel more focused. With a great bathroom from, you’ll have won half the battle already.

That might sound uncomfortable, but it’s a tried and tested method many athletes use to prepare for training and enjoy optimal mental health in the morning. When the cold water hits you, it’s hard not to feel present and meditative. It will also help remove some of the overly warm and compressed comforts of the morning effort, preventing you from jumping back in bed and sleeping for the rest of the day.

Recap: Tips For Greeting Your Day

With this advice, you can greet the day with a pep in your step. Who knows what else you can plan for and benefit from if you can perfect your mornings?

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