For the Home, Life

Debunking The Myth of the Reassuring and Protective Guard Dog

Protective Guard Dog

If you walk through residential neighborhoods, you’ll notice homes with a dog warning sign as part of their protective mechanism. They do this to hone in on the idea of having a protective guard dog to deter anyone nefarious.

“Beware of the Dog” is a common sign typically attached to a property owner’s gate or front door. Naturally, the sign is part of a strategy to protect your belongings and home. Homeowners with a guard dog may have also implemented an alarm system, CCTV cameras, and a secure front door. Does having a dog can help deter burglars?

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The potential of a dog alerting the owners about their presence can keep many burglars at bay. Yet, that doesn’t mean that all you need to do to keep your home safe is adopt a dog. In reality, a dog does not guarantee the safety of your belongings. Here are the many reasons why relying solely on a guard dog may not be as effective as it seems:

Dogs need training

One of the essential aspects of responsible dog ownership is providing appropriate training to your furry friend. Proper training ensures your dog behaves well and establishes a strong bond of trust and communication between you and your pet. If you grew up surrounded by people who knew how to train their pets, you might have only interacted with well-behaved dogs. It might have convinced you to believe that adopting a dog is easy and that your dog can train itself.

Many untrained dogs struggle with simple commands, such as sitting or not pulling the leash, which is where essential training such as is indispensable. If your dog isn’t trained to behave in everyday circumstances, the real question is: What makes you believe you can rely on your dog for protection at home? 

Unfortunately, many dog owners struggle with training due to a lack of understanding and consistency. You can educate yourself and learn how to raise a well-behaved dog.

Dogs can destroy furniture

Puppies, especially when left untrained, instinctively chew on objects as they explore their surroundings. This behavior is part of their teething process but can also become a coping mechanism when left alone. Unfortunately, chewing can lead to disastrous consequences for your furniture and clothing.

A dog left unattended or unsupervised can wreak havoc on your home, especially when they have not received proper training. Did you know that in the UK, one dog caused nearly $10,000 worth of damage by chewing through sofas and electronics? If you’ve adopted a dog to protect your home, this is precisely the opposite of keeping your belongings safe!

Aside from the replacement or repair cost, you must also consider the potential vet costs if your dog ingests something they shouldn’t have. 

Recap: Debunking The Myth of the Protective Guard Dog

While the idea of a reassuring and protective guard dog may seem appealing, it is essential to recognize that homeowners cannot adopt a dog without investing time and effort. Can a dog keep your belongings and home safe? The answer is yes if you are willing to take the time to train them and diffuse harmful behaviors first.

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