Healthy Living

4 Tips for Taking Care of Your Body And Mind Better

Taking Care of Your Body And Mind

Taking care of your body and mind is so important and many people slack on it, especially over the holiday period. While it is also important to have a balanced life and take pleasure in the little things like a pizza dinner and a glass of wine or a box of chocolates for a girl’s night in, looking after yourself should be your main focus for the majority of the time.

We only get one body and one life and often spend too much time putting ourselves down and pointing out our flaws which can only negatively affect us. We need to move past it and accept the body we have and just work hard to make it healthy, happy, and in good shape. Simply taking steps to start looking after yourself will have a domino effect on all other elements of your life. 

Look To Follow The 80/20 Diet

One of the best and easiest diets to follow is the 80/20 rule. This is the simplest and easiest to stay on track as you are still indulging in your favorite things. Week by week you spend 80% of your time eating well, getting in your fruit and veggies, and drinking lots of water. Then, you spend the other 20% of your time indulging in other things, so normally on the weekends.

It is best to keep a balanced diet and still eat in moderation. You don’t want to binge all weekend and then feel rough for a few days, but you can still enjoy simple pleasures like going out for a few cocktails with the girls or having a doughnut after dinner. It is important to change your relationship with food so you aren’t relying on it for your emotions. Food is there to sustain us and give us energy and life. 

Supplement Your Body If You Need Too

Not everyone will want or need supplements, but consider them to make sure you are getting everything your body needs. If you work out often, you may want to look into taking some Creatine to improve your performance or some Sermorelin Inducing Human Growth Hormone to help your body become stronger and better.

If you want to look after your skin and keep it feeling young, consider incorporating collagen into your diet. You can also take things if you don’t eat them in your diet so you aren’t deficient in anything.

For instance, fish is recommended twice a week to get enough omega 3. However, if you don’t like fish, you could take a cod liver oil tablet to get omega 3. 

Move Your Body Everyday

Exercise is an essential part of looking after yourself and also keeping it strong for the longevity of your life. It can make a difference in how you age and affect how your body stays strong. It can be quite daunting starting exercise if it is something you don’t already do, but it’s possible.

A great way to start is simply by hitting your 10,000 steps a day. You can do that by purchasing a walking pad, which you can do while working from home if you have an adjustable desk, or simply just go for a walk each day.

Once you can do that and feel fitter, you can start to incorporate other exercises and routines. You could go all out and join a gym and get a personal trainer to get really into it. Consider dipping your toes in the water by doing some YouTube exercise videos or looking into classes of something you would enjoy like Pilates, boot camp, or Yoga. 

Look After Your Head

Looking after your body is important but just as equally important is looking after your mental health. With everything that has happened in the world with the Covid lockdown and the cost of living crisis, many of us are going through extremely stressful times.

Consider talking to someone, whether that be a family member, a friend, or even a counselor. You can also try meditation to help you focus on your thoughts and how they affect you. There are so many classes and apps out there to do it in the comfort of your home.

Recap: Taking Care of Your Body And Mind

Taking care of your body and mind is essential to your well-being. You’ll feel better, perform better, and live a more enjoyable life. These tips can help, but do you have any to add? Leave a comment and let us know.

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