Health, Mental Health

5 Tips To Reduce the Likelihood of Succumbing to Substance Addiction

addiction, substance addiction

Substance abuse is a very real problem for many people. If you or someone you care about is struggling with addiction it’s in everyone’s best interest to seek help. And if you’re worried about becoming an addict, here are some tips that can help identify trouble and reduce the likelihood of falling into substance addiction.

1. Understand Substance Abuse

There is no clear mark or defining factor for when substance use becomes substance abuse. The lines are extremely blurry here and that moment or pivotal turning point varies amongst individuals. Abstaining from substance abuse is the first line of defense, but continued and frequent recreational use of addictive substances is where the road to addiction often begins. Another thing to look out for is whether or not you or someone you care about is engaging in the substance to reach intoxication every time. This is a big red flag and if addressed early on can make a positive difference in heroin rehab outcomes. Everyone wants to feel good, but engaging in substance use offers short-term results with long-term negative effects for those who become addicts.

2. Avoid Temptations

It’s not always easy to do, but it is so important that you do your best to avoid temptations and peers who would pressure you into engaging in substance use. It helps to know your triggers and address them by learning healthy ways of responding to them. Work on developing healthy relationships that encourage your growth and health. The saying goes, “Birds of a feather flock together.” This implies that you’ll be heavily influenced by those you spend time with. Choose wisely. You can also prepare a few excuses in advance so that you’ve already got an exit strategy when the temptation arises.

3. Know the Risks

It helps to know and understand what you’re risking by succumbing to addiction. Talk to your family members to learn if any other family struggled with addiction in the past. Addiction tends to run in families, but it is preventable. When you’re armed with the knowledge, you can conduct yourself accordingly. Examine your environmental, biological, and physical risk factors and use this information to remind yourself of what’s at stake.

4. Keep a Balanced Life

Life will always come with ups and downs and plenty of surprises. Some are welcome and others can be quite stressful. It’s helpful to practice healthy stress management techniques so that you’re less likely to lean on substance use when life gets tough. Identify your goals and make tangible plans for achieving your dreams. And surround yourself with people who are going to support your goals and remind you of them when you lose sight of them for a moment. Take time to do the things that bring you real joy like a hobby, a favorite pastime, or spending time with those who love you.

5. Treat Mental Health Issues

If you are suffering from any mental diseases, it’s in your best interest to address them. There is a definitive link between substance abuse and mental health disorders. Working with a therapist or licensed mental health professional to manage mental issues like PTSD, anxiety, and OCD can be instrumental in teaching you healthy behaviors and coping strategies.

Please share these suggestions on steering clear from addiction with those close to you as it could make a difference in the trajectory of their lives. Addiction isn’t the end, and recovery is very real and attainable. 

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