How To, Parenting

9 Tips For Giving Your Child the Best Start in Life

They say that you should start as you mean to go. After all, how we begin has a massive influence on how things will turn out later down the line. That principle applies, also, to your children. If they get a good start in life, then it’ll be much more likely that they find success in their adult lives. Why? Because they’ll possess all the key ingredients required to reach their full potential. 

This might sound like a complicated or mysterious task, but it’s not really. Research has shown that there are some key steps parents can take to get their child off to a great start in life. We’ll run through some of those steps below. 

Create A Set Routine

Studies have shown that having an established routine can have a huge impact on a child’s sense of self. This doesn’t mean always sticking to the schedule; it just means having a broadly set routine. For instance, having meals at the same time each day, going to bed at a specific time, having a Sunday afternoon routine, things like that. It helps to subconsciously instill good habits and discipline, both of which can be hugely important later in life. 

Positive Mindset

There are plenty of things that can contribute to overall success, but if there’s one thing that virtually all successful people possess, it’s a positive mindset. How you talk to yourself can be the difference between saying “I can do that” and “I can’t do that.” Whichever you say, you are correct. It largely comes down to belief. You can ensure your child speaks to themselves in friendly terms by teaching the importance of a positive mindset — and how to do it. Depending on their age, that could be as simple as catching them when they say something negative to themselves.

Be a Great Role Model

Children pick up a lot from their parents. It’s not just about what you say, it’s about what you do and how you carry yourself. As such, it’s important to endeavor to be a great role model. You’ll have a lot on your plate, and you won’t always be on top of the world, but it’s worthwhile working to ensure that you’re the best version of yourself more often than not. You can do this by prioritizing your own well-being as well as the well-being of your children. If you’re feeling physically, mentally, and spiritually well, you’ll have a glow that your children inevitably pick up on.

Early Learning

Your child’s academic prowess will have a huge impact on their success when they enter the real world as an adult. While children develop at their own pace, it’s important for them to be in environments where they can soak up academic learning as young as possible. You’ll ideally have a learning home full of books and curiosity and also place your child in a preschool that is highly valued for its academic curriculum. The sooner your child has all the educational foundations, the sooner they can begin taking a deep dive into the interests that they’re truly passionate about, which may result in a lifelong career. 

Building Relationships

While it’s not exactly a hard and fast rule, it’s generally best to encourage your child to have positive relationships with as many people as possible. We’re a social species, and aside from simply being enjoyable, having plenty of connections can help us when the going gets tough. Your child will have the chance to make plenty of friends at school but also work to ensure they have relationships with their aunties and uncles, cousins, your friends, and so forth. They’ll learn a lot and will always have a sense that they’re never alone in this world. 

Professional Help (Where Required)

There’s a wide range of issues that can affect children. From learning disabilities to behavioral issues and mental health concerns, it’s not always easy being a child. It’s not the presence of an issue that matters most, but rather, how you respond to it. While you may wish to help your child yourself, in some cases it’ll be better to work with a professional. Most issues can be overcome, but they may require specialist assistance. 

Non-Tech Activities

If you’re of a certain age, then you’ll remember a time before smartphones and other devices. There’s no doubt that incorporating the internet into our lives has had a positive impact, but there’s also value in non-tech activities, too — but they seem to be increasingly forgotten about. Your child is going to spend a lot of time looking at screens throughout their life, so look at engaging in non-tech activities too. A child that’s given the gift of appreciating nature when they’re young will possess it for the rest of their lives. It’ll give them a fun, calming space to turn to later in life when they feel overwhelmed by the digital world. 

Quality Family Time 

We’ve talked a lot in this post about all the extra things parents can do to give their children a great start in life. But it’s worth keeping in mind that those things shouldn’t replace the essentials. And there’s nothing more essential than quality family time. You’ll want your child to make the most of life, but there should always be time for slowing down and simply enjoying the simple pleasures, such as spending a cozy night on the couch watching one of those great classic family movies. They’re the moments we live for.

Their Own Space

Finally, while 90% of the time your child will be with you and part of the family activities, keep in mind that it can also be good for children — once they’re past a certain age — to have their own space. It’s there where they can follow their interests, let their minds explore, and develop their creative sides. Feeling part of the family while also having some independence is an ideal scenario for many children to experience the best of both worlds while at home. 
