
5 Changes You May Experience As A New Mom

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Pregnancy and childbirth are life-altering experiences that can bring joy into your life. As a new mom, there are many things you try to put in place before the arrival of your newborn. You read books on parenting, shop for baby clothes, and get excited over painting their nursery. When your child arrives, more changes occur. If you have been observing other moms or asking questions, some alterations might not surprise you, while others can take you off-guard completely. This article sheds more light on five significant changes you will experience as a new mom.

1. You will need support

Maybe you have been self-dependent all your life or don’t like to burden people by asking for help. As a new mom, doing everything by yourself is not realistic or sustainable. You will need a village to help you daily. It could be your partner, loved ones, or a nanny. Remind yourself that it is ok to ask for help and that your family and friends love you enough to extend a hand to overcome the initial discomfort of leaning on other people. When requesting aid, delegate specific tasks to different people to prevent them from getting overwhelmed. If you are with your partner, share the load and allow them to handle their responsibilities independently. It will ensure each of you gets time to rest or pursue your interests.

2. Emotional and physical changes

Physical changes are inevitable when you deliver a baby, although they can be jarring. Be aware of them and embrace your new body as a testament to bringing new life into the world. Some changes you will experience include hair shedding and, in some cases, a difference in hair texture. You will also have swollen breasts engorged with milk. Emotionally, you might encounter fluctuating moods and constant anxiety over your baby. Consider talking to a professional if you have baby blues over a long period. You can also consider getting medications from a health professional for anxiety relief.

3. Sleep deprivation

Sleep deprivation is a reality for every new parent. Babies wake up frequently to eat or cry, and staying alert to tend to their needs can take a negative toll on you. A lack of sleep can result in a physical, mental, and emotional breakdown. Before you get irritable or burnt out, consider asking your loved one to babysit so you can nap. You can also sleep while your baby sleeps and eat well for energy. A balanced diet and exercise will give your body adequate nutrients and boost metabolism. Eat fruits, vegetables, and other healthy snacks to keep you fueled with nutrients. Drink lots of juices and water to stay hydrated, avoid feeling tired, and stay away from excess caffeine. Consider keeping your baby’s cradle beside your bed so you can take care of them and go to bed.

4. Self-care challenges

Between caring for your household and a new baby, you may lose time you used to use for yourself. It can result in an inconsistent self-care routine where you only have enough time to shower. In the beginning stages of motherhood, you may have to accept that your routine needs to be updated and simplified to make room for other responsibilities. You will need to be intentional about prioritizing your self-maintenance. You can stay on top of your fitness by taking a stroll, even if it’s only for ten minutes. Getting fresh air at the park or in your neighborhood can positively impact your mental health. If you can’t go outside, practice meditation habits like deep breathing. Pamper yourself with an Epsom salt bath or do a home pedicure. You can also binge on your preferred show while relaxing with a facial mask.

5. A different diet

You may already know this, but good nutrition is beneficial for everyone, including new moms who are recuperating from labor and delivery. You will need a proper diet to keep you strong and provide nutrients for your baby through breastfeeding. Try not to put too much pressure on your body with fad diets to snap back. Limit junk food, avoid alcohol, and stock your pantry with whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. Though it’s important to never skip meals, you need to watch your portions. Remember to stay hydrated with fluids like water, juices, and milk. If you eat a plant-based diet, consider supplementing your diet with vitamin B12.

Recap: Changes After Becoming a New Mom

Motherhood is a beautiful learning journey. However, these changes will take some time to ease into and embrace. By acknowledging them, you can face them bravely and strategically.

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