Mental Health, Work

Feeling Overworked? Give These a Whirl

feeling overworked

Feeling overworked is normal from time to time. Life has a habit of getting in the way, and specific issues can drag you down more. So what do you do? There are a few things you can try. From professional boundaries to a healthy routine, try giving these small changes a whirl.

Try a Detox and Refresh

How nutritious your meals are has a direct impact on your mood, energy, and even attitude. Fresh fruit and vegetables as part of a balanced diet will help keep up with the essential vitamins and minerals your mind and body need. But it’s often not enough. When your anxiety, tiredness, and stress plateau, you need something to bring it down. IV therapy at home can refresh fluid and detox your body and mind, giving you the vital reset you sorely need.

Set Professional Boundaries

Most people have had bad bosses or jerk colleagues. This is just a fact of life we have to deal with. You can’t get along with everyone, right? So what can you do? As a worker, you have certain rights. And that extends to professional boundaries. A toxic workplace is no joke, and it can have a severe impact on mental health. Bring it up with HR and your boss if boundaries such as being overworked, unfair shifts and workloads, or even harassment are being crossed.

Use Time Better when Feeling Overworked

The time we are given is valuable because we can’t get it back. Managing time is one thing, and you should learn to do this. But what we make of personal time is just as important. Not making time for yourself and your family will lead to burnout. A survey in 2022 found this happens to about 25% of workers. Better use of your personal time means not working! However, it is also best spent with self-care, taking care of the home and family, and using it to enjoy your hobbies.

Develop a Healthy Routine

Routine is essential. A routine will help you manage your time much better, as mentioned above. It all starts with the morning before work, specific tasks at work, and what you do when you get home. A morning routine could include getting up at a specific time, showering, and eating. These small self-care steps set you up for a good day. It also helps to plan dinner, personal time and winding down at specific times. Your brain prepares for what’s coming.

Don’t Bring Work Home

It’s easier said than done for some jobs, but you shouldn’t bring work home with you. We are all human, and some jobs can drag stress into our personal lives. Examples include being in the armed forces, medical fields, and policing. But even careers like working in a restaurant can be highly stressful. Your time after work is YOURS! Try not to let the drama of work interfere with your personal life. This is a one-way road that almost guarantees your stress levels will explode.

Recap: Feeling Overworked

Detoxing and refreshing your body will help when you are feeling overworked. Using your time well for personal stuff and hobbies will also help you feel better. Above all, one of the most important things you can do is try not to bring your work home with you, especially emotionally!

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