side hustle, Work From Home

The Little Things to Make a Side Hustle More Rewarding for Yourself (and Your Customers Too!)

rewarding side hustle

Side hustles can suffer from many “mini mistakes” that don’t necessarily make it a worthwhile endeavor. We need to remember that a side hustle should be something that enhances our experiences as the person in charge of it but also makes it a bit more rewarding for customers, too. This is why small touches can run the gamut; they can enhance the experience for customers and business owners, so here are some little gestures that can make all the difference:

Personalized Communication

Being personal is such a little gesture, but when you start to use customers’ names in messages and emails, remember their preferences for future interactions, and even create those little personal touches on your packaging like custom stickers, you’ll build stronger connections. 

Because you’re adding that human touch and showing appreciation, you’re building something that will last longer than just the transactions.

Thoughtful Packaging

It’s not just about putting an item in a box and sending it off but about presenting your services in a considerate and attractive manner. Something like eco-friendly materials can appeal to a customer’s sensibilities, and a small gift can be a major token of appreciation.

This sense of unexpected kindness can perk a customer up. We have to show a customer that we appreciate the fact they’ve taken the time to order from us, so let’s repay the favor in kind.

Empathetic Problem Solving

When issues arise, we need to listen attentively. One of the biggest problems in the modern world is that we are going a mile a minute to the point that we don’t really listen to one another, not just in business, but in life. 

We’re constantly distracted, and this means that when problems arise, we look for a shortcut solution. If we think about those little things that can help a customer feel we’ve gone above and beyond what they expect, we’re not just going to resolve their concerns quicker but we’re instantly communicating to them that quality is what we strive for. 

Of course, many customers demand 24/7 solutions all the time. But if we can manage expectations and show them that, in fact, when it comes to problem-solving, the best solution is one that we have the time to focus on, this will make a massive difference.

Pride, Enthusiasm, and Care

Running an online business can instantly make us feel somewhat detached from personal touches. When you’re running a side hustle, you need to remember that it’s something you should care about, and, if you demonstrate enthusiasm and care for your products, similar to the bartender who presents a drink like a handcrafted gift, this natural enthusiasm will shine through. 

It’s something that we can’t necessarily fake, which is why it’s so important to remember that your side hustle needs to be a logical extension of your passions.

Recap: Rewarding Side Hustle

These small gestures won’t just enhance customer satisfaction but will make the side hustle far more fulfilling for you as the business owner.

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