Beauty, Dental, Healthy Living

Top Treatments for Chipped or Broken Teeth: Which One is Right for You?

chipped or broken teeth

Chipped or broken teeth can really mess with your confidence and comfort, not to mention your mouth’s overall health. It could happen from biting into something too crunchy, having an accident or just plain old wear and tear. But hey, there’s good news! There are cosmetic dentistry solutions in San Diego that can help you fix it up and get you grinning again. So, how do you pick the best one for you? 

Well, let’s check out the top choices to make sure you know what you’re getting into.

Dental bonding

Dental bonding is a great way to fix a little chip in your tooth enamel. If it’s just a tiny bit that’s broken, your dentist might suggest a filling to patch things up. But if it’s on your front teeth or somewhere you’d notice when you smile, they’ll probably go for bonding instead.

The process is pretty simple and usually doesn’t require any numbing. First, your dentist will roughen up the tooth’s surface with a special liquid or gel to make sure the bonding material sticks. Then, they’ll use a tooth-colored paste called composite resin and an adhesive. 

They’ll shape this paste to look exactly like your tooth and make sure it matches the color, so it blends in perfectly. After that, they whip out a ultraviolet laser, which is just a tool to harden the material. It’s super effective for fixing chipped or broken teeth and making them look as good as new again.


If you have a tooth that’s cracked or chipped, dental veneers can make it look all good as new again. A dental veneer is a super-thin layer of either porcelain or a resin material that’s the same color as your teeth. It covers the whole front of the tooth and it’s especially thick in the spot where your tooth is damaged.

Your dentist will gently shave off a tiny bit of your tooth’s enamel, about 0.3 to 1.2 millimeters. This makes room for the veneer to fit perfectly. After that, they take a mold of your tooth. This mold goes to a dental lab where they craft your custom-made veneer.

You’ll have to wait for a week or two for your veneer to be ready, but it’s worth it. When you go back to the dentist, they’ll rough up the tooth’s surface a bit to give the veneer something to stick to. Then, they’ll put this special cement on the veneer and stick it onto your tooth. To make sure it’s in place, they’ll use a light that makes the cement dry really fast. 

Dental implants

When a tooth gets so messed up that it just can’t be fixed anymore, dental implants are the top choice for a new one. Basically, they’re like titanium screws that a dentist puts into your jaw to hold a new tooth in place. They look and work just like the real tooth and they’re great because they stop your jawbone from shrinking away, which can happen when you lose a tooth.

But here’s the thing, getting dental implants done right is really important. You want to go to an experienced dentist, because it’s a pretty complex job. So, if you’re living in California and you’re thinking about getting some, you should check out dental implants at Advanced Dentistry & Implant Center in San Diego. Generally speaking, find a cosmetic dentist that really knows all the ins and outs of putting in implants. 

This way, you’ll make sure that everything goes smoothly and you end up with a smile that looks and feels fantastic.


If a big chunk of your tooth breaks off or decays a lot, your dentist might need to shave down what’s left and put a crown on it. Crowns come in different materials like metal, porcelain, resin or ceramic and each has its own perks. Metal ones are super strong, but if you want something that looks more like your real teeth, you might go for porcelain or resin.

Getting a crown usually means two trips to the dentist. First, they numb your mouth, trim the tooth and take some molds. They give you a temporary crown to wear until the real one is ready. The second visit is when they put on the permanent crown, which should fit like a glove. 

This whole process typically takes about 2-3 weeks. However, some modern dental offices have cool gadgets that let them make and put in crowns all in one day. No more goopy impressions or temporary crowns for you!

Now, if your tooth is really smashed up but the root is still okay, your dentist or an endodontist can do a root canal therapy to save it. They clean out the gunk and stick a post in there to hold everything together. Then, they build up the tooth’s body to get it ready for the crown. 

Recap: Chipped or Broken Teeth

If you have a tooth that’s seen better days, don’t worry. There are a few different ways to fix it up and they all have their perks, but which one’s right for you? It really boils down to how bad the damage is, what you’re aiming for in terms of looks and how much you’re willing to spend. The best thing to do is talk to an experienced dentist. They’ll help you figure out the perfect plan for your mouth and your wallet. And let’s not forget, fixing that tooth isn’t just about flashing a pretty smile again, it’s also about keeping your teeth and gums healthy. So go ahead, make that appointment with a cosmetic dentist and take the first step to feeling great about your grin!


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