
What Gifts Can You Get Those Who Seem To Have Everything?

Searching for the perfect gift to get someone you know and love can be a struggle. After all, if they seem to have everything, how are you supposed to know what to get them?

The good news is that if you’re stuck, we’ve got your back. The gifts on this list can be for birthdays and holidays, so it will be helpful to everyone who has found themselves in this position. Keep reading if you would like to find out more.


One of the things that you should always go to when you are struggling with what to buy someone you love is experiences. There is no point wasting money on something they either don’t like, don’t want, or won’t use, so experiences are the better option! There are so many options that you are spoiled for choice here, and it’s a great dilemma to have.

If they have expressed an interest in skydiving in the past, for example, it might be something you could look into. Depending on your budget, you may want to get them a companion ticket as well, but of course, this depends on the experience and how much money you have available.

We know that some are a little funny about receiving experiences as gifts, but is it something they would spend their own money on? More often than not, the answer is no because of the cost associated, and they don’t have the money to spare. It’s a great idea when struggling to think of an idea.

Items Related To Things They Love

Another good option that we’ve got for you is to look into items related to the things that they love. This one might sound obvious, but many people brush past things, thinking they can’t make a good gift. What you’ve got to remember, though, is that just because it’s not something you would want as a gift, that doesn’t mean the person you are purchasing for wouldn’t.

Maybe a coffee machine is a good way to go if you know the person you are purchasing for loves coffee. Or, if they already have one, look into things like coffee tools. It might seem a little weird, but we promise that your coffee-obsessed friends will love it. The same can be said for those who love books. If you know what they like to read and what they typically enjoy, research something they’ll love. You can even go into a bookstore and ask for recommendations to purchase, and go from there. 

A Gift Card

This one is controversial. Some people think getting a gift card for a birthday or holiday is lazy, but we disagree. If you get stumped on what to get, you should get a gift card to somewhere you know they like to shop or to a place with all sorts, like Amazon. Then, they can choose their gift. It’s better than getting them something they don’t like, and they don’t have to pretend to like something they don’t want.

It’s not lazy, it’s thoughtful. We don’t care what other people say, it’s a good way to take the stress out of gift buying when you have been struggling. If you constantly do this when you’re not putting in the effort beforehand, then this is something else entirely. But if you genuinely have no idea, then why not?

Exactly What They Ask For

The last option that we’ve got for you is… exactly what they ask you for. Ask them what they want, and buy them whatever they ask you for. It’s simple, it’s mostly stress-free, and you know they want what you buy. No money wasting or time wasting involved!

We all struggle so much with getting the right gift, but it’s the thought that counts, to be completely honest with you. The fact that someone was willing to spend time looking for something they think you would like and then spending money on you should be enough. The gift itself is just a bonus. Keep that in mind when you are both purchasing and receiving gifts, and it might just change your whole outlook on gift-giving.


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