Parenting, Summer

Keep Your Kids Safe from the Summer Heat: Smart Tips for Outdoor Fun

keep your kids safe this summer

Summer’s supposed to be fun. Long days, sticky popsicle hands, running through the sprinkler until sunset. But let’s be honest—when the heat kicks in, it can get brutal. The last thing you want is your kid red-faced, overheated, and on the verge of a meltdown (literally and figuratively). The good news? They don’t have to be stuck inside with cartoons…

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Health, Home

How to Make Your Home Space Healthier

home, health, healthy home,

Your home might be comfy, cozy, and decorated to your tastes, which are all important, but how healthy is it? Many of us unknowingly live in spaces that are less than ideal for our well-being. If that’s a shock to hear, then don’t worry because you can turn things around, starting with the following tasks to make your home healthier.…

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Five Areas In The Home To Maintain To Save Money

Key areas around the home need your attention, and having a home maintenance checklist can help you remember what you need to do. When you maintain your home, it keeps it in good condition and can save you money in the long run. Regardless of how much time you have to spare, the quality of your home, and what you…

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Guest Post, Mental Health, Parenting, Self-care

Cannabis as a Tool for Self-Care and Parenting


This blog post is written by Katie Pierce and focuses on the topic of cannabis for self-care and parenting. Cannabis has become more popular in recent years for holistic wellness. One way cannabis use has become more widespread is through its use in self-care and parenting. With the plant’s numerous benefits, more people are exploring the benefits of using this…

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Handling Financial Problems Like a Pro

We all have money issues sometimes. But what sets people apart is how they deal with them. You can become severely stressed when finances are tight, or learn about handling financial issues like a pro to ensure you don’t let the stress and worry overwhelm you. The choice is yours, but learning to handle financial problems can ease your mind…

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Mental Health, Parenting

How To Reclaim Your Identity After Motherhood

Being a mother is life-changing, albeit in a messy and potentially overwhelming (at times) way, and the shift can be a big one. After all, one minute you’re your own person with your own hobbies, career, and ultimately your own sense of self, and the next, you’re someone’s entire world, and you’re needed more than ever. That’s an incredible thing, but…

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Why Hire a Contractor for Your Home Renovation

construction, contractor, hire a contractor

A home renovation is a big job, especially if you’ve been planning one for a while. Whether it’s adding an extension to your house or renovating the roof, you should consider that there are some jobs out there that you really shouldn’t do yourself. Everybody loves a bit of DIY, like painting the walls, but you really should hire a…

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