Some of your worst home expenses are ones that take up too much of your budget and recur each month. Plus, you’re likely just sick of dealing with them. Luckily, there are some great expense cutting and saving strategies out there to help with your worst home expenses. The fact that these expenses can get this bad isn’t only on…
5 Ways To Naturally Purify The Air In Your Home
The air in your home can easily become contaminated with irritants such as pollen, dust, mold spores, and pet dander. These irritants can be particularly harmful if you have an allergy and asthma. Luckily, there are a few ways to naturally purify the air in your home to keep it healthy. ***This post contains affiliate links. It costs you nothing…
Is Your Home Calling Out For Some Love?
It’s easy to forget that our home needs a bit of TLC from time to time. After all, we don’t tend to react until something goes wrong. By that point, however, you will likely have an expensive repair bill and a lot of damage to deal with. You must ensure your home gets the attention it deserves on a regular…
Guest Post: 4 Things to Do When Someone You Know has Breast Cancer
*Things to Do When Someone You Know has Breast Cancer is a guest post written by Mischa Bergeron from You can also find her on Twitter.* One in four women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year. Two years ago I was one. Without the love and support of my family and friends I am not sure how I…
3 Essential Areas To Inspect Regularly at Home to Prevent Major Problems
Whether you’re buying or selling a home or staying in your current one, regular inspections ensure your house is in peak condition. Inspect visible areas like the roof and walls, but choose a home inspector for the rest. There are a few areas to inspect regularly, and it’s always best to get a professional’s opinion on these areas. Essential Areas…
8 Things to Consider When Deciding How To Organize Your Home Renovation
Renovating a house is a major project that can be complex and difficult. Planning a project like this can be tricky, but it helps to organize your home renovation first. With organization, you know exactly what needs to be done at each stage. How To Organize Your Home Renovation Design and Planning Design and planning could include detailed architectural plans,…
5 Simple Changes you can Make in Your Life to Be Healthier
If you want to be healthier or make some positive changes in your life, it is easy to do. It only requires you to make a few simple changes, and you’ll be glad you make the effort. By implementing these tips, you will find how to be healthier in your life. How to Be Healthier 1. Fill 50% of Your…
Dear Parents, It’s OK To Need Help Parenting: Look Here For The Best Advice
As a parent, giving your child the perfect start in life is all that truly matters. Accepting that you can’t do this all alone is one of the most significant steps on the road to parenting greatness. Now is the time to embrace it because it is perfectly OK to need help parenting. You may need support with a wide…
3 Helpful Dental Care Tips for Your Kids
Oral hygiene is a healthy habit that you should practice daily. Research reveals that dental issues could affect your kids’ daily activities, including talking and eating, with about 50% of children having cavity issues by age five. This makes it crucial to prioritize your kids’ dental health and keep their teeth in good condition. If you don’t know where to…
4 Tips for Finding the Best Doctors for Your Children
There is no healthy way around it – your child needs to see the doctor regularly. When your first baby is born, you need to make sure you have a doctor to take care of all of their needs. If your child requires a specialist, you might need to find another doctor that can help with your child’s health. Knowing…