Weekend Wrap-Up

Weekend Wrap-Up

I hope you all had a good weekend! We did, even though it rained a lot and was cloudy the entire time. Except for Friday (I count that as the weekend because my weekend starts early hehe), it was pretty sunny then. It was still a good time, though. On Friday I woke the babies up early and got them…

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Friday Favorites

Friday Pinterest Favorites

It’s Fri-yay!! Time to take a look at some of my favorite pins from this past week.   Flying School by Life As Mama – I know Peyton and Sylas would have fun with this one. Peyton loves making things from paper, including paper airplanes. He experiments with different ways of making them, trying to figure out how to make…

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Wine Wednesday

Wine Wednesday

Hey guys! I’m going to start doing a bi-weekly wine review on Wednesdays. I love wine and I love to talk about wine, so why not post about it here? I’m so excited for this! Please feel free to recommend your favorite wine so I can try it! I’m open to any kind – sweet or dry, red or white!…

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Easy Oven Baked Green Beans

We have been working on our green bean recipe for almost 5 years now. We started buying only fresh green beans and have slowly adapted our recipe over the years. Well, a couple months ago we finally got it. They are perfect. So delicious, covered in butter (don’t judge), not too soft and not too crispy. I can never stop…

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Holiday, Our Family, Weekend Wrap-Up

Weekend Round-Up

This weekend was pretty great. With it being Mother’s Day weekend, it was pretty relaxing for me and my hubby might have gotten me some cute gifts. 😉 So Friday was a lazy day, for sure. It was rainy and SO COLD and the babies and I just stayed in all day. We got out their instruments and we sang…

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Friday Favorites

Friday Pinterest Favorites

It’s Fri-yay!! Good thing because it’s been A LONG week and I’m exhausted. I wish my husband was home from work already so we could cuddle (AKA, I fall asleep on him). JK because I still have to go shopping for Mother’s Day for my mama. I didn’t realize it was so soon (I know, that’s sad). Oops. Well, while…

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