Do you feel like your life is out of control or feel like you have no time to yourself, let alone time to stay mentally healthy? Or, do you feel like you have a crazy busy life and need to figure out how to stay mentally well? You’re not alone if you answered yes to either of those questions. Many…
Tag: mental health
The Bigger Picture: Why Looking After Your Overall Health & Wellbeing Is Important
Protecting and maintaining your health & wellbeing will help you feel less concerned in everyday life. It helps you avoid health issues, such as obesity and cardiovascular disease. Stress may frequently worsen difficulties, and taking care of your mental health is vital to caring for your overall health. Learning the importance of health & wellbeing is essential to living your…
4 Ways To Take Care Of Your Body And Mind
A positive attitude and a healthy body can achieve a lot. We neglect to take care of our body and mind while going around in circles attempting to attain our goals and meet deadlines. If you’re wondering if it’s even possible to accomplish both, the answer is yes; it is not a myth that you can live a balanced life.…
3 Easy and Effective Ways To Be Happy At Work
As we spend a significant amount of our life at work, we must make the most of our time there. Learning to be happy at work will roll over into the rest of our lives. Even if we can’t all find the ideal job, being happy will help us tremendously in whatever we choose to do in the end. Even…
4 Proactive Ways To Manage Stress As A Parent
Parenting is a rewarding role but can also bring quite a bit of stress and anxiety some days. Life can become chaotic and overwhelming if you don’t step back and take back control of how your days play out. Learning to manage stress as a parent is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your family.…
4 Joyful Ways to Allow Yourself To Be Happy
It might seem strange to allow yourself to be happy but you deserve it. When there is so much going on, we forget about the small stuff that brings joy. Worrying about things that have been, might be, or are going on can mean that we aren’t letting ourselves be happy. Or, it might be that if we allow ourselves…
3 Comforting Ways to Deal with Stress That Comes with Family Life
Family life is exciting and joyful as you watch your little ones thrive and grow into amazing adults. You spend quality time together, bond, and generally bring a smile to each other’s faces. But, parents also know that family life requires you to deal with stress. You must be aware of the consequences of stress and take action to avoid…
How to Keep Up with Your 4 Essential Health Appointments This Year
The past couple of years has been hugely different for most of us. The Covid-19 pandemic has altered our day-to-day lives. We’ve gone through lockdowns, periods of isolation, and months on end of social distancing. While all of this has been important to slow the spread of the virus, it has had countless negative impacts. For some, this has been…
3 Ways to Reduce Your Alcohol Consumption and Still Stay Social
It’s common for alcohol to be served when people get together. In principle, this is completely harmless. However, alcohol is full of sugar and (potentially) other harmful ingredients, making it a serious health hazard. We all know that I love a good drink (hence the name of my blog), but it is essential to recognize when it interferes with your health. With…
4 of the Best Confidence Hacks For New Moms
Throughout your life, you’ll encounter various situations that will cause your confidence to take a hit. As we get older, our confidence can be impacted by professional and academic success. Furthermore, while welcoming a baby into the world is joyful, this could also harm your confidence. Your confidence decrease is due to the simple fact that babies bring a lot…