Family Activities, How To, Learning, Life, Parenting

How to Teach Your Kids Responsibility By Using a Chore Store at Home

We all want to raise responsible kids that help out, take care of things, and understand the value of money. Sometimes it’s hard to teach these concepts, though. In our house, we use a chore store to get the kids doing chores and learning about earning/spending. The chore store is something that I set up once each week, usually on…

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Adulting, Mental Health, Parenting

4 Treats To Make A New Mom Feel Great

After having a baby, it’s normal for you to dedicate all of your time and energy to caring for your newborn. There’s much to get used to in those initial weeks, and you’ll be battling tiredness and finding a routine. As things start to settle, it’s ok to shift some of the focus back onto yourself. Your happiness is essential,…

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Adulting, How To, Life, Parenting, Work From Home

How To Make The Best Possible Use Of Maternity Leave

If you think that maternity leave is all about changing diapers and breastfeeding, then you’re mistaken. Yes, that’s part of it, and you’ll want to spend lots of time with your baby. But it turns out that going on maternity leave also provides you with opportunities to further your business.  Yes – you read that right. Spending months away from…

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Big Kid, Health, Healthy Living, How To, Kindergarten Age, Learning, Life, Parenting, Toddler and Preschool Age Learning

How to Help Your Kids Get Basic Health and Hygiene Down

As a parent, you likely want to improve your health and improve your child’s basic health and hygiene. It can be a battle to keep your kids clean, especially during the summer when they love to spend all their time outside. Teaching them how to look after themselves early on will set them up for a healthy and hygienic future. Consider…

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Health, Healthy Living, Parenting

Gentle Health: How To Encourage Your Child to Relax At Medical Appointments

Encourage Your Child to Relax At Medical Appointments

As the primary caregiver of a child, you know how hard it sometimes is for them to relax at medical appointments. If the child has additional needs, interruptions to their routine can feel catastrophic, and they react negatively to a change. The problems often arise during essential appointments, so you must find a way to encourage your child to relax. Patience…

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Health, Healthy Living, How To, Life

5 Important Tips to Find The Right Dentist for Your Family

Dentist for Your Family

No matter how old you are, the health of your teeth is essential. Good oral health carries you throughout life, and healthy gums and teeth allow you to show off a confident smile. Finding the right family dentist could be difficult, especially if you’re looking for one that will suit everyone. The best dentist office will offer care for all ages. Even…

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