Thanks for your interest in writing for As a way to maintain the integrity of, please adhere to the following guidelines. If you cannot follow the guidelines, please do not submit content for sponsored content or a guest post.
Mom Wife Wine’s target audience is parents, married people, and millennials navigating the world.
All submissions must be original content that isn’t published anywhere else.
You can link to a blog post or personal website, but you also must include valuable reference links as necessary. If you are stating facts or statistics, find a source to back it up. Please include at least (1) scholarly source.
Please note that I have the right to add affiliate links and internal links as I see fit. I also reserve the right to edit the content in any way to maintain brand consistency, best SEO practices, and correct spelling, grammar, and language.
Aim for short paragraphs (no more than four sentences), with no more than 19 words in each sentence. Break up the content by using H2 and H3 headers. Please write at least 600 words, and include a conclusion with a call to action.
Include a short bio and a photo of yourself. You may also link to your blog, a specific post, or any other website that you run.
I only accept submissions saved as a Microsoft Word Document or written and saved in Google Docs. If you have images that you want to include, you must send proof that they are free from copyright. Otherwise, I will provide the images.
I am not always accepting guest posts, but I am actively considering sponsored content. My fee for sponsored posts is $100, and it includes social media shares on Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, and Instagram. Additionally, sponsored posts will be ad-free. The links in sponsored posts will be “nofollow” per FTC guidelines.
If you would like to discuss a sponsored post, please reach out. I do require that if you want me to review an item, you send it to me to try out at no charge.
If you can adhere to these guidelines, send your guest post and sponsored content submissions to Once I have accepted your submission, your post will be added to my editorial calendar, so refrain from sending email reminders or asking for a deadline. When the content goes live, I ask that you share it on your social media pages.