Do any of you have a toddler or preschooler who loves to cut things up? I do! Sylas loves using scissors to cut any piece of paper he finds lying around. Usually, he’s pretty good about asking before he starts cutting but sometimes he just thinks the paper is fair game. It’s gotten him into some trouble a couple times. He hasn’t mastered control of the scissors yet and his cutting is usually all over the place. With him starting preschool in the fall I want him to be a little better with them. That leads us to the DIY Preschool Cutting Box.
So. Much. Fun.
For one of the cutting activities, I cut strips of different colored paper and then drew some lines and designs on them (see the picture for design ideas). It was literally that simple. The little one will simply use scissors to cut on the lines you’ve drawn. I did a ton of them because I knew Sylas would want to keep going forever.
Another option for cutting that I put in the box is empty toilet paper rolls, cut down to different sizes with “hair” (see picture) and faces on them. I ALWAYS save the cardboard tubes because they can be used in so many different ways. Chris was complaining that I had too many piling up so I grabbed those and tried to come up with something fun. It was DEFINITELY fun. Toddler AND preschooler approved.
I also drew shapes and letters on paper for him to cut out, as well. A little shape and letter practice built into cutting practice. I’ll take it.

Sylas spent a long time working on everything in the box. It’s the perfect quiet time option for kids who no longer nap, or just when mama may need a little quiet time.