Sensory Play, Toddler and Preschool Age Fun

Sensory Imaginative Play

My kids love water, love sensory, and love frogs. I saw a post by Fun at Home With Kids that inspired me to create this little sensory box, imaginative play for my kids. I actually featured her post on my Friday Favorites post a few weeks ago, check it out!

On the original post, it looks like she used more of the little blue stones in the bottom, bigger lily pads, and more realistic frogs. The kids and I went to Dollar Tree to find the material for this activity and we did find the rocks but I only got one bag of them. We couldn’t find bigger sheets of foam, so we bought the small ones they had. The pack came with several sheets of all different colors so we have a bunch leftover, too! Then we bought the only frogs we found in the whole store, which are actually bath toys and completely perfect for water play!!

Every bit of this (except the small tote we put it in) came from Dollar Tree, but they even have small containers there that could work for this!

My littles HAD A BLAST. I had to keep a close eye on Liam because he kept putting the stones in his mouth, but other than that it was a breeze! We will definitely be doing this again.

Later on, we put all these items in the bathtub, too!


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