Friday Favorites

Friday Pinterest Favorites

It’s Fri-yay!! Time to take a look at some of my favorite pins from this past week.


Flying School by Life As Mama – I know Peyton and Sylas would have fun with this one. Peyton loves making things from paper, including paper airplanes. He experiments with different ways of making them, trying to figure out how to make them go straighter, faster, or stay in the air longer. Sylas likes to do pretty much whatever Peyton is doing, and has been trying his hand at creating things from paper. He hasn’t succeeded yet, but he sure does like to try. This would be a fun trial and error activity as well as a fun aiming activity. Me or Peyton could help Sylas make a paper airplane that actually works and he could join in on the fun, too. It’s supposed to be rainy all weekend here again so this might just be perfect to try out.

I-Spy Bottle by Because I Said So – How fun is this? It could definitely help curb boredom this summer and I think it could be something to use for a calm-down time. I could make a couple different ones to target my different age groups (toddlers and a 10-year-old). They could also do these together which would be pretty awesome. There are so many possibilities of things you could put in an I-Spy bottle.

Cut and Paste Letters by Playful Learning in the Early Years – I actually kind of love this. I’m all about letters and learning how they can be different sizes, upper case or lower case, and something be written a little differently. I love that this activity allows kids to visually experience how letters can look different, and I feel like it will help with quicker recognition. My littles love to use their scissors to cut things out, too, and we have a stack of magazines just waiting to be cut up.

Threading Station by Busy Toddler – I LOVE quiet time activities. Sylas only sometimes naps and he can get quite noisy even when he’s “trying” to be quiet. Josie sometimes wakes up before the others (when Sylas actually naps), and she also has trouble using her whisper voice or choosing quieter toys. This is perfect and, knowing my littles, this will keep them busy for hours. I can’t wait to set something like this up.


What are some of your favorite pins lately?! I’d love to see some links in the comments!

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