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5 Ways to Make Money From Home

make money from home

As a mom, I wanted to be home with my littles. I worked a full-time job, and I was depressed every single day because I would have to drop my littles off with a babysitter and spend the next 9 hours away from them. When I picked them up at the end of the day, they were usually grumpy and clingy. Then, we would get home, have dinner, work on homework with the big kids, give baths, and then it was bedtime. I had to make money in order to supplement my husband’s income, so it wasn’t possible for him to be the only one making money.

I felt like I literally never had time to cuddle, play, and spend time with my kids. It was so hard on me. Plus, the cost of child care was just ridiculous, it didn’t make much sense to work. I quit my job and began trying different things to make staying at home a long-term possibility.

What I Tried

I began my stay-at-home mom journey thinking I would open my own daycare out of my home. Quickly, I realized that it wasn’t for me. I felt like I never left work, I still wasn’t able to give my kids the attention I wanted to give them, and I was more overwhelmed and stressed out than before. Plus, it made my house SO MESSY.

Next, I decided to try freelance writing. I began researching, and I found my niche there. This one really does work for me, but I’ll get more into that later.

Then, there was taking surveys. This works, but it isn’t something I still do. Again, I’ll get to that more in just a little while.

I’ve tried direct sales in the past and those are just definitely not for me. I don’t like to sell, apparently, and I hate making my friends and family feel obligated to buy things that they don’t really want.

I’ve also tried selling clothes on the Facebook marketplace, doing transcription work, and rating ads on Facebook. I have tried a wide variety of ways to make money from home, and a handful of things I have tried have worked to help me earn more than $1,000 a month!

How it Has Helped My Family

$1,000 a month may not seem like a ton of money, but it has really made all the difference in living paycheck to paycheck and having a little spending money each month.

There were months in the past when we couldn’t even pay all of our bills. This resulted in late fees, overdraft charges, and it was incredibly detrimental to mine and my husband’s credit scores. It would seem like no matter how hard we tried, we couldn’t get ahead and stay in a good place financially.

I am so serious when I say that this $1,000+ every month has helped us reach our short-term financial goals, keeping us ahead of our bills, leaving money for saving, and for doing fun things as a family. Now we will be able to begin saving for the bigger expenses, such as putting new flooring in our home or remodeling our kitchen.

MAke money from home make money from home

5 Ways to Make Money from Home

  1. Freelance Writing – 

    This is, without a doubt, my favorite way to make money as a stay-at-home mom. I love to write, and if I had known it could be so easy to do online, I would have done it YEARS ago. After doing my research, I determined that TextBroker was the best place for me to start since I had never done freelance work before. I started out as a 3-star writer and quickly made my way up to a 4-star writer. As a 4-star writer, I earn .014 cents per word. So, for an article that is 2,500 words, I would earn $35. I get paid from Textbroker every Friday.

    What I do on TextBroker is choose a job from a wide variety of topics, read the client briefing, and decide if I want to accept that job. They are all writing jobs, obviously. I actually write quite a few blog posts on TextBroker. By submitting the article to them, I am giving them permission to list themselves as the author. I no longer own the writing once I have submitted it to them.

  2. Rating ads on Facebook – 

    I do this through a company called Appen. Appen used to be called LeapForce, so maybe you have heard of them before. I applied with Appen without fully understanding what the job was. It’s not that I was oblivious to what I was applying for, I kind of understood, but there are many different projects available. I applied for a few different projects, and I was accepted to the Nile Project. The Nile Project pays $11 per hour to rate ads on Facebook. It is SO easy. Tedious, but easy. The only catch is that you can only work 1 hour per day on this project. That’s okay, though, because it quickly adds up. I only get paid from Appen one time a month. There are more opportunities on Appen that don’t require rating ads, but that is the only one that I currently do.

  3. Simple – 

    Simple is actually a bank account that I use for my spending money. I also make around $200 a month on Simple. I just tell people about the bank account, all of the perks that it has, and then I send them my link to sign up with. They will receive a debit card in the mail and, once they activate their account, I transfer $1 into their account (I never even need to know their account information, other than their e-mail address). They spend the $1 that I sent, and then I get $20, and they also get $20. It’s a win/win for both of us!! Plus, they get an awesome bank account out of the deal, too.

    I wouldn’t typically do something like this to earn money, but I am actually so in love with Simple that I tell people about it all the time. Might as well make some money by talking about it, right?! I love it so much because it has the option to add savings goals. When you enter your goal, it tells you how much you have to save each month/week/pay period, and as long as you do it each time, your goal happens on track. There are separate areas you can put the money for each goal, too.

    I have 4 goals going for myself right now. One is more mine and hubby’s annual trip to South Haven, one is for a Chicago trip with the kids, one is for new flooring, and the other is for Christmas next year. I love this option, and I love how easy it is to use it. Plus, I love that it is so easy to read and figure out.

    Another awesome part about Simple is that it has an area to input all of your expenses. Since this account is the one I use for spending, I actually haven’t had to input any bills. Instead, I input things like groceries and gas, because I consider those to be my spending.

    If you are interested in Simple, just click the link, send me an email, or drop a comment below. I will, of course, help you out and answer any of your questions.

  4. Start a blog – 

    There are so many ways you can make money with a blog. You can make money through affiliate sales, ads, and sponsored posts. Those are just a few of the options… the possibilities are pretty much endless. Having a blog is also SO much fun. I love being able to express myself, be creative, and meet other people like me in the blogging community. There is no pressure with having a blog because you can do it all on your terms. If you start a self-hosted blog, you have full control of all aspects of your blog.

    I have a self-hosted blog through Bluehost, and I use WordPress as the platform. If I wasn’t self-hosted and just used a free site from somewhere like WordPress, I might not be able to make money in the process. It is so easy to set up a blog, and so much fun once you get started.

    If you are interested in how to start a blog and what to do once you have started one, I wrote a blog post about it a while ago. Feel free to ask me about this anytime!

  5. Taking surveys – 

    Taking surveys is fun and all, but it is very time-consuming. I don’t actually do this one to earn extra money, but I have in the past. My 14-year-old stepdaughter recently just started doing it herself and has actually earned a decent amount of money with it. She wanted to earn some money for Christmas shopping, and she has almost finished buying everything she wanted to buy. It definitely does earn you some money, just not as much as other options.

How I Do It

So for me, I prefer to use TextBroker, Appen, and Simple to make $1,000 or more each week. At a minimum, I work to earn $200 a month on Appen, $600 a month with TextBroker, and $200 a month with Simple. When I have a goal in mind, I can always work a couple extra days with Appen, or accept one more article than normal on TextBroker. With Simple, it is more about getting lucky when someone agrees to use your link to set up a bank account, so I don’t usually push myself to talk about Simple anymore than I normally do. Textbroker is the easiest way for me to earn even more money each month.

I have 5 kids… their ages are 14, 10, 4, 3, and 1. I obviously cannot work for eight hours a day. Between meal times, play times, preschool drop off and pick up, I have to squeeze work time in at specific parts of the day. This usually means waking up before the kids and knocking out an hour of work. Then later, at nap time, I squeeze in another 2 hours of writing (if I’m lucky).

Sometimes after I pick my preschooler up I can put a movie on and let them eat popcorn in the living room while I finish up what I had been working on at nap time. The rest of my work has to wait until after the kids’ bedtime. After they go to bed, I work for an hour (two at the most) and then have to stop to spend time with my husband. It is a little complicated, but I make it all work out. All of that may have confused you, so here is an easier glimpse of my daily schedule as a work-from-home mom:

My Work/Mom Schedule 

5:30 AM – Wake up, making coffee, wake 14 y/o up for school
5:40 AM – Work for one hour (usually TextBroker)
6:40 AM – Wake other 4 kids up for school and get the toddlers/preschooler dressed. Feed everyone.
7:40 AM – Leave for preschool drop off
8:20 AM – Arrive home, begin playing, reading, and singing with the toddlers. Snack time during.
10:00 AM – Craft/activity or table toys
11:00 AM – lunch, and then we clean up the house
12:00 PM – nap time
12:15 PM – Mama works
2:15 PM – If toddlers aren’t already awake (they usually are), I wake them up and get them ready to go.
2:40 PM – Leave for preschool pickup
3:20 PM – Return home. Sometimes turn on a movie, have a snack, and mom finishes some work.
4:15 PM – My 10-year-old gets home from school, homework and talking and playing follow
5:30 PM – Daddy comes home!! YAY!
6:30 PM – Dinner should be ready to serve
7:30 PM – Baths and bed
8:30 PM – Mama Works

Every day for us is very busy and I feel like I am always on the go, or something is always waiting to be done. I love it, though, and I wouldn’t change it for the world because I love being home with my kids. Being able to take a spontaneous day off just because I want to spend extra time with my littles is the best part about working from home. I love making it to class parties and other school events, too. Every bit of this schedule is worth it to me.

Final Thoughts on Making Money From Home

It doesn’t have to be hard to make money from home. I make money online every single day, and I can work as much or as little as I want. You are literally your own boss, and that is so amazing. You can take time off whenever you want, work overtime if you want, or just work for one hour every day. It doesn’t get much better than that.

With the ways I have begun working from home, I can look ahead at my finances or goals, and work extra hard one week to meet a need or want. Being able to decide how much money I am going to make that week is so cool to me. It really puts me in control of my finances, and I work so much better that way. I am so thankful for the opportunities I have found, and I know it is only up from here.

If you have any questions about how to make money from home, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I wish I had found these opportunities sooner, and if I can help you out at all, I would love to do so!

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7 thoughts on “5 Ways to Make Money From Home

  1. Thank you for this! I have been blogging with ads etc for a little over a year and have not made anything yet. I am going to try your top two and see how this works! Thank you again!

    1. You’re welcome!! I needed a way to make money while staying home with my littles and these really do work for me! I get paid on PayPal, and I can work whenever I want. Can’t get any better than that, right?! Let me know how it works out for you or if you need any help!

  2. Great post! I do freelance graphic design so I can stay home with my son. It’s so great to be able to make my own hours and be my own boss! Looking forward to reading more of your posts! 🙂

    1. That sounds like fun!! It really is great to have a source of income that is so flexible. Thank you for reading!

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