Adulting, How To, On My Mind, Our Family, Parenting

How to Balance a Busy Life and Still Take Care of YOU

how to balance a busy life and still take care of you, what to do when life gets too busy, how to manage a busy life with kids, parenting tips

Guys, life is CRAZY busy. I’m sure most of you feel the same way. It’s an overwhelming feeling, just knowing that there is ALWAYS something to be done, and finding a way to balance a busy life is the only answer to easing some of those feelings.

I have this overwhelmed feeling quite often, but I’m realizing that it’s even worse this time of year. Back to school time in our household is absolutely insane. We’re going on week 4 of school and things are finally beginning to become more “normal” for us.

That’ll be thrown completely off next week, however, as my daughter is starting 3-year-old preschool and there will be yet another thing thrown into our already busy schedule. It’s so worth it, though. I’ll forever choose providing for my children and giving them every opportunity I can over living a “simple” life.

Our children deserve the best and, as parents, we all know that we’re going to give them the best life that we can. Even if that means running around like crazy from school to practice to work (yep, our teenager just got her first j-o-b!). The only thing we can do is find a way to balance the crazy schedules and stay sane while doing it.

how to balance a busy life and still take care of you, what to do when life gets too busy, how to manage a busy life with kids, parenting tips

So what is a mom with a million things on her to-do list to do? Take a bath. Read a book. Listen to music. Watch her favorite Netflix show. Whatever self-care technique you prefer, DO IT.

As parents, we ALWAYS have a million things on our to-do list. Get done what can’t wait, and make the rest wait until tomorrow. Take care of YOU. After all, how can you take care of your child when your own cup is empty?

how to balance a busy life and still take care of you, what to do when life gets too busy, how to manage a busy life with kids, parenting tips

My Tips to You to Help Balance a Busy Life

Make a list.

Each night before bed, sit down and write out all the things that need your attention in the coming days. This is the easiest part.


First, organize your list into things that cannot wait. Obviously you will have to get those done. Then, take all of the things that need to be done but can wait until tomorrow or until the weekend and put those on a separate list. You can add some of those to your “can’t wait” list the next day.

Schedule self-care time.

You have got to take care of you. This is the single most important tip. If you aren’t taking care of yourself, you won’t be able to give much more to anyone else. For success and great parenting, you have to make time for you.

how to balance a busy life and still take care of you, what to do when life gets too busy, how to manage a busy life with kids, parenting tips, parenting quote

Ask for help.

Ask your partner, your parents, your siblings or friends… ask whoever you trust with your kids. They’ll be more than willing to help out, and you will be able to take a load off of yourself, even just for one day.

Remind yourself that one day, you’ll miss this.

I know you hear this all the time, but it is so true. I get sick of hearing it myself sometimes, but it really does make life a little easier when things get hectic.

One day, life WILL be “simple”, and you’ll think back to the days when your kids were still kids and you were trying to figure out how to balance a busy life. Believe it or not, you will learn for those days back. Try your best to embrace is now… I know that isn’t always possible (TRUST ME), but with intentional reminders, you’ll likely find yourself in a better mood.

Make sure to spend time with your partner.

Parenting really takes a strain on your marriage, but you guys are in this together and that means you have to connect in order for things to stay in sync. Nurture this relationship by scheduling regular date nights, even if the dates are in your living room. Just spend time together… have fun and talk.

For more blog posts on marriage, choose one of the following titles:

how to balance a busy life and still take care of you, what to do when life gets too busy, how to manage a busy life with kids, parenting tips

Final Thoughts on How to Balance a Busy Life and Still Take Care of YOU

Are you feeling overwhelmed with how much stuff there is to do each day? I’m with you! What do you do to manage it all? Leave a comment and let us know!

how to balance a busy life and still take care of you, what to do when life gets too busy, how to manage a busy life with kids, parenting tips
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35 thoughts on “How to Balance a Busy Life and Still Take Care of YOU

    1. So overlooked!! I’m guilty of it myself. I always need a reminder that it’s important. Thank you for reading!

  1. Great ideas! Although I don’t have kiddies I do appreciate how hard it can be to balance everything AND still have time for you. Parents are superheroes! Your tips and advice are amazing, and sure to help anyone feeling the pressure.

  2. Thank you for sharing these tips! It is definitely overwhelming knowing that there is always something that needs to be done. I actually make lists quite often!

    1. I agree!! We can’t keep living on autopilot. It’s dragging us down and actually making us less productive. Thanks for the comment!

  3. I can relate to this sooo much, all your points are bang on. I have to admit that I’m guilty of thinking I can go go go (which then gives everybody else the impression I can go go go and so they slightly take me for granted) and then I have a little meltdown because I’m totally on empty. Making consistent time for little acts of self care (for me it’s a horror film, glass of wine or a cooking show) really does make all the difference.

    1. Yes it does!! And it’s only a couple of hours of your time.

      I also get in the go go go mode because, some days, I just feel like I have to. I do always make time before bed for self care, however. Usually in the form of a good book, other times a favorite tv show or bubble bath.

  4. I’m a single mom with an outside the home job, a side hustle, and part time schooling. It’s a very thin like to walk between being scheduled and being overwhelmed. I plan on bringing my laptop with me to my daughters dance classes so that I can study or write and get things done there. I also randomly take days for self care when I really need it. I have a great support system to help me with my daughter when I need it.

    1. Wow, you are one busy mama!! It’s a great idea to take your laptop to dance class. Gotta get it in when you can. Thanks for reading!

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