So this Valentine’s Day Matching Game idea first came to me when my son and I were working on his sight words. I remember playing sight words games with our now 12-year-old back when he was in Kindergarten, and the games just seemed to help him get it.
Somehow, it hadn’t crossed my mind to play games to learn sight words with my current kindergartner until now. The best part of this matching game printable that I created, however, is that I can use it for more than just a sight words matching game.
I plan to use it for matching uppercase and lowercase letters, matching numbers, and a few other learning games. The multiple game options also mean it will work for different age groups, depending on which game you decide to play with it.

Free Printable – Valentine’s Day Sight Word Practice Matching Game

Free Printable – Valentine’s Day Matching Game

How I Used Them
So I printed two copies for each kid. On one copy, I wrote the sight words, numbers, or letters (depending on which kid’s I was doing). The second copy was used for cutting.
Before I had the kids cut out the hearts on the second copy, I wrote the matches. Once they cut the hearts out, they were already ready to match them up.
You don’t have to do the second copy this way, however. Instead, you could cut hearts onto pink or red construction paper and then write the matching word, letter, or number onto the heart. I just wanted the kids to cut their own hearts, to be honest. Lazy mom moment.

Another Way to Play – Learn Sight Words Using Technology
I taught my son how to type his sight words into and listen to the word. If you don’t know how to do this, it’s simple! Type the word into the search box and then when the definition comes up, click on the megaphone icon and it’ll say the word out loud.
This allows your child to play the game on their own and still hear the words spoken aloud. It helps with letter recognition, spelling, and reading.
Don’t leave them to do it on their own every time, though. Kids still learn best through personal connection.

Final Thoughts on Valentine’s Day Matching Game
This game was so much fun and my kids learned so much while playing it! Would you use the sight word version of this Valentine’s Day matching game or would you use it for something different like learning letters or numbers? Tell me about it in the comments!