Adulting, Big Kid, Life, Organization, Our Family, Parenting, Printables, Teenager

Free Printables: Paycheck Budget & Chore Chart

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One of my New Year’s resolutions was to create a simpler chore chart than what I’d previously been using. My original one was literally four pages long. Well, when I decided to buckle down and create the simple chore chart I was wishing for, I decided to come up with one other freebie, bringing you the two free printables I’m sharing today.

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Simple Chore Chart Printable

The first printable, the easy chore chart, is intended to make it easier for my kids to get their chores done each day.

I wasn’t kidding when I said my original chore chart was four pages long. It definitely didn’t make it easy for the kids to pick chores each day, and it definitely didn’t inspire motivation.

Luckily, the new one has been a much bigger hit. It makes it easier to keep up on chores, and the kids know exactly what they should be doing that day.

I’ve noticed that the chores are getting done more quickly, sometimes before I even make it home from work.

problem solving freebies, easy budget, budget for beginners, paycheck budget printable, weekly budget, easy chore chart, simple chore chart, free budget

Paycheck Budget Printable

Since I was simplifying my life with the chore chart, I was inspired to simplify my budgeting method, as well.

Before, I had been writing my budget out on notebook paper every single pay period. Not a very organized method, I admit. It worked for me for a while, but I needed something a bit easier to wrap my head around.

I have a master list of when all of our bills are due, and each week I sit down to plan out what will need paid that week. I do this before I get my paycheck, and then the day I get paid, I reference my list and pay everything.

This printable can be used for weekly or bi-weekly budget planning and monthly budgeting, whichever you prefer.

problem solving freebies, easy budget, budget for beginners, paycheck budget printable, weekly budget, easy chore chart, simple chore chart, free budget

In “other expenses” I put things like food, gas, and cheerleading (which we pay weekly). In the “savings” section I put upcoming holidays and our emergency fund, which I distribute money to weekly, as well. “Extras” is for any extra money I’m putting towards debt.

Then, the final box titled “leftovers” is to figure out what I’m left with at the end of the pay period. I take our total income and subtract the total amount of money going out.

Final Thoughts

Printables make my life so much easier, and simple printables are essentials. I can’t keep up with multiple pages for a budget or chore chart. I need simple ones that allow me to keep all of my thoughts on that one page.

What do you think – do free printables help you simplify your life?

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