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Can You Grow a Pine Tree From a Pine Cone? A Lesson In Sustainability For Kids

can you grow a pine tree from a pine cone, sustainability for kids, teaching kids about the environment, earth day, love our earth

I saw this picture being shared on Facebook and Pinterest where a pinecone was planted into soil. The photo showed that the pine cone was about half-buried in soil, with the top half sticking out. There were sprouts coming from the top of the pinecone, indicating that it’s possible to grow a pine tree from a pine cone.

This left me wondering… is it possible? Can you really grow a pine tree from a pine cone?

can you grow a pine tree from a pine cone, sustainability for kids, teaching kids about the environment, earth day, love our earth

The Research About Growing a Pine Tree From a Pine Cone

I tried to find information about this, and couldn’t find a conclusive answer. Just when I thought I had, someone else had a different point to make.

I couldn’t find any accounts of someone successfully going a pine tree from a pine cone. Plus, many people did explain that it is pretty much impossible.

Some people thought it would work, though, and I just have to test the image that was floating around.

With that being said, I found literally no confirmed answer. I couldn’t even find a source for the image that was floating around social media. **Updated to add that the social media image can be found here**

The Information We Did Find

Before we tried this for ourselves, I assigned our teenager the task of learning a couple of things about pine trees. She had to share the information with the younger siblings before we went around the yard hunting for pine cones.

One of the things she shared was that there are male and female pine cones. Am I the only adult who didn’t know this?!

With that fun fact, we took all of the pine cones we collected and played a game. We made teams and worked together to sort the pine cones into two pines; male and female. We also learned that the female pine cones are the ones that carry the seeds.

Finally, we learned that trees produce oxygen and that oxygen is what we breathe.

can you grow a pine tree from a pine cone, sustainability for kids, teaching kids about the environment, earth day, love our earth

Growing Pine Trees From Pine Cones

So, since I couldn’t find the actual answer online, we decided to figure it out for ourselves.


  • Empty 2-liter soda bottle
  • X-acto knife (or you can use a pocket knife)
  • Soil
  • Pinecone

This is the exact knife I used. I use it for pretty much everything, to be honest. LOL.

Yes, that’s an affiliate link, which means I’ll make a small commission at no additional cost to you. I truly do use this x-acto knife and stand behind it, however.


1. Cut the soda bottle so that you only have the bottom portion left. Say, 1/4 of the bottle.

2. Add soil to the soda bottle bottom.

3. Create a hole in the soil that is big enough to fit 1/2 of the pinecone.

4. Fill dirt back in around the pinecone. Only the top half should be showing.

5. Water everyday and monitor the progress.

can you grow a pine tree from a pine cone, sustainability for kids, teaching kids about the environment, earth day, love our earth

Did it work?!

Ok, so since we know that this method for growing a tree isn’t for sure going to work, just bear with me. I’ll update on the progress (if there is any) right away.

In the meantime, however, do this project with us!! Help your kids plant their pinecone so you can see for yourself if it is possible to grow a pine tree from a pine cone.

We’re all looking for ways to teach kids from home, so why not mix in a fun science lesson?

What do you think will happen? Is it possible to grow a pine tree from a pine cone?

I had the kids all draw pictures of what they think will happen. Nevaeh was the only one who thought we would have to remove the seeds from the pinecone to grow a tree. The others thought the tree would grow from the pinecone.

Lets be honest, I think Nevaeh is right. Tell me what you think.

Will a tree begin to grow out of the planted pinecone? Tell me the reason behind your answer! I can’t wait to see what everyone thinks!

Need another project idea?

Check out this paper mache diamondback rattlesnake! Using paper mache is so easy, and the post has a recipe to make it with ingredients you already have on hand!

Paper mache, school art projects, art projects, 3D art, creativity for kids, paper mache diamondback rattlesnake
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2 thoughts on “Can You Grow a Pine Tree From a Pine Cone? A Lesson In Sustainability For Kids

  1. I didn’t know about the male/female pine cones. I had always assumed the closed (male) ones were wet, whilst the dry ones (female) open up! Thanks for educating me.

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