Adulting, For the Home, Home, How To, Spring

6 Effective Ways to Make Sure Your Home is Ready For Spring

Home is Ready For Spring

With temperatures already getting warmer and the sunset coming later, it won’t be long until spring is upon us. Making the most of it means you should make sure your home is ready for spring. You don’t want to wait until the warmer weather is here to get started or you’ll miss out on some of the beautiful days.

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How to Ensure Your Home is Ready For Spring

1. Redesign Your Yard and Garden

It’s tricky to keep your yard and garden well-maintained when it’s raining or there’s snow on the ground, so you’ll probably have a few outdoor tasks to complete before spring arrives. Once you’ve raked the leaves, weeded the flowerbeds, and pruned overhanging branches, why not take the opportunity to redesign?

Changing the layout, resealing paving, and adding some new features can breathe new life into your space. What’s more – revamping outdoor furniture, adding some patio heaters, or installing sunken seating will ensure you can make the most of your yard this spring.

2. Purify the Air 

Spring can be the most troublesome time of year for allergy-sufferers, so you’ll want to do everything you can to keep your home free from contaminants. Adding an air purifier or air scrubber to your home, or changing the filters on existing appliances can have a big impact on the quality of the air inside your home. By removing pollutants, you can minimize allergy symptoms and truly enjoy the fresh air. 

3. Tackle Pests

Pests can affect your property at any time of year, but a change of season can mean that different pests emerge. Fortunately, a local pest control company can provide all the help you need.

Instead of waiting for an infestation to occur, be proactive when it comes to pest control. A qualified exterminator will be able to tell you which areas of your home are most at risk, which means you can take preventative action to stop pests from taking up residence. 

4. Update Window Dressings

Changing curtains and blinds is an easy way to update your décor with minimal effort. Switching to a lighter color is the perfect way to reflect the changing seasons and a lighter color scheme will be perfect for springtime.

However, you may want to ensure that blinds and curtains are fitted with blackout fabric by the time spring arrives. When the sun rises earlier, it can affect your sleep schedule, but blackout blinds and curtains will ensure you get the rest you need. 

5. Clear Gutters

Gutters fill up quickly during fall and winter, which increases the risk of leaks and damage. When leaves block the gutters, water can easily overflow and cause damage to your property. Taking the time to clean out the gutters, or hiring a gutter cleaning service, will ensure the outdoor drainage system is working perfectly. 

6. Create a Home Maintenance Schedule

Keeping your property in great condition is a year-round commitment, and there are lots of different jobs to consider. To make things easier, why not create your own custom home maintenance schedule? This will ensure you’ve got time to plan, protect your property, and make the most of every season.

Home is Ready For Spring

What are some of the ways you get your home ready for spring? Did I forget anything important?! Let me know in the comments! 🙂

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2 thoughts on “6 Effective Ways to Make Sure Your Home is Ready For Spring

  1. I don’t own a house yet but these are all things I’m def not looking forward to when I do. I’m going to be hiring a lot of people lol!

    One thing I do want to try and do in my apartment this year is be better at changing the filters (my last apt they would come by and do it for us on a routine but it seems other places don’t do that) and get an air purifyer!
    Hazel @ Mamarella recently posted…Hello 2021My Profile

    1. Great ideas!! And yes, it’s always easier to hire a professional. I’ve learned that the hard way LOL

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