Adulting, Finances, For the Home, How To, Life

4 Easy Ways to Use Less Energy For Lower Household Bills

save money, household bills, save money on bills, finances

More of us are aware of our impact on the environment and are making changes to our homes to live a more environmentally-friendly life. To make it even more enticing, being more environmentally-friendly can save you money, too. You can use less energy to lower household bills and do your part for our environment.

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How to Lower Household Bills

1. Turn Down The Thermostat

You don’t have to be cold, but turning down the thermostat for your furnace or boiler by even a small amount makes a big difference. Lowering the heat by only one degree saves energy and money, and you won’t notice the difference. If you can, try turning it down even further as you become accustomed to a cooler temperature.

There are thermostats you can buy that allows you to schedule times for the heat to be lower, too. Then, if you aren’t home, the heat won’t be up so high.

2. Add Insulation

Proper insulation traps heat inside during the winter and helps keep the house cool during the summer. Find out what insulation is in your walls and attic and see if it could be replaced with something more efficient. 

With proper insulation, your heating and air conditioning don’t have to work as hard. Since they don’t have to work as much, it lowers the costs and could save you from calling out 24 Hour AC Repair to an overworked A/C unit. 

3. Save Water

Water waste is a serious problem, and using more water than you need will be pushing up your water bill. Saving water is easy with some small changes. These changes include avoiding the following:

  • leaving the water running when you brush your teeth
  • overfilling the bath
  • leaving the shower running when you’re not in it
  • running the water continually while shaving
  • long showers
  • running half loads of laundry

4. Block Out Drafts

Drafts make a house feel cold, so you spend more on heating. Draft excluders can help keep rooms warm. You could also hang a heavy curtain over doors to the outside to keep the heat in. 

Seal up cracks in floors, walls, or skirting boards. If you have a chimney but don’t use it, get a chimney excluder. It will help keep even more heat in the house, saving you money on household bills.

save money, household bills, save money on bills, finances

Lower Household Bills

These are just a few of the ways to lower household bills. There are many other ways, too! Can you think of any others? Let me know in the comments!

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