Gifts, Holiday, How To

5 Ways To Choose The Perfect Gift

Choose The Perfect Gift

Studies show that giving to others can make you happier than spending the same amount of money on yourself. That joy can come with a bit of a catch, though. It can sometimes be difficult to choose the perfect gift for someone, whether that someone is your six-year-old nephew, your mother-in-law, or that slightly strange co-worker that you got in the office Secret Santa. 

How to Choose The Perfect Gift

1. Consider the Person and Their Interests

Make this list as long as you can, spending at least two minutes writing down everything you can think of. Now, think of something to go with each item on your list, no matter how small or large. You don’t have to give all of those gifts, but you will come up with some unique ideas that you would not necessarily have thought of otherwise.

When you combine a few of the ideas, the gift receiver will appreciate how personalized and thoughtful you were. Perhaps your nephew loves wooden toys or your colleague is known to be a Game of Thrones fan. If so, consider those as gift options.

2. Consider What They Need and Want

Consider some of that person’s more exciting needs. If there is a mom on your list, consider products to help them run their lives more efficiently. Or, consider something she has been wanting to do but can’t seem to find the time for, such as a home manicure set. Thinking on a broader scale will allow you to step outside of your comfort zone as you choose the perfect gift.

3. Find Something That Matches Their Personality

Consider the gifts that speak about who your recipient is in person, using the list of information that you have compiled. Purchase an arts and crafts supply for an artistic person. Consider the art projects that they have completed or have at the very least shown an interest in starting. 

4. Make the Giving of the Gift an Event in Itself

Use your imagination when it comes to packaging. Rather than simply handing them a gift wrapped in regular wrapping paper, consider the gifting experience to be an event that you want them to enjoy. Try a scavenger hunt, which is great for kids. And never, ever underestimate the joy of unwrapping gifts.

5. Do Not Overthink It

We are all guilty of overthinking the gifts that we buy. We want them to be absolutely perfect for the person receiving them. Most people are overjoyed to receive any gift, and sometimes, the more simple ones – a promise of your time, a home-baked cake, hand-picked flowers, or that little something that you saw that you reminded you of them can be the most special gifts of all. 

Choose The Perfect Gift

When you want to choose the perfect gift, keep an open mind while you also consider the person you are buying for. Make it fun and thoughtful, and they are sure to love it.

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